Keep fruit smoothie over night?

TinyJimbo Posts: 37 Member
I like having a smoothie in the morning but I often wake up late and don't have time to cook breakfast at all. (I'm the worst at waking up).
I make my smoothies with nature yogourt, vanilla soy milk and mixed frozen berries.

Would it still be good if I were to blend it the night before, keep it in the fridge and drink it in the morning?


  • trpeppin
    trpeppin Posts: 16 Member
    I make my smoothie at night. I add spinach, kale, green grapes, half of a pear, and vanalla yogurt.
  • KLB325
    KLB325 Posts: 17
    With my old cheapie mixer things would separate and look unappetizing when left to sit. I just bought a Nutribullet and when I had leftovers the other day, I put in fridge and drank later and it was still just like I mixed it. Not sure about over night tho.
    I'm not a morning person either. The few I've made so far, I've added spinach, coconut water and any fruit that won't brown once cut; berries, frozen mango, pineapple, peaches, etc and chia and flax seeds. Then in the morning I add some kiefer and a small banana and blend. Since it kept well in the fridge for a good portion of the day using my Nutribullet, I think I'll try to blend the whole thing so all I have to do is grab it on the way out the door.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I throw the juice, soy milk, and frozen fruit into the blender carafe the night before but don't blend, just put it in the fridge. Then the next morning all I have to do is blend it. I have a Vitamix but I hear it's good for less powerful blenders too because the frozen fruit has a chance to soften a bit overnight.