DDP Yoga has anyone tried this and had any success?

jimennis Posts: 80 Member
I walk and do some mild cardio, but I am curious about this workout.


  • smajr
    smajr Posts: 5 Member
    I've been to a few DDP Yoga classes and have a friend who does DDP Yoga religiously. He has lost 100+ lbs and gained a lot of flexibility. I've found that it partly depends on how much effort you put into it. He was severely overweight for years and needed something that he could ease into with mild cardio and increase the toughness as he progressed. It seems like the perfect solution for him. I really liked the low impact and mild cardio to start. You will gain strength and flexibility and burn calories. I think it's most effective with a fairly clean / healthy diet. I've been told by several trainers that you can't out work a bad diet.
  • norcalskater
    norcalskater Posts: 194 Member
    I've never tried it but I saw the video of the man who was told he would never walk again and DDP yoga changed that and he can now run. He also lost 100 lbs. Watch it on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've done the whole series. About a year ago. In fairness I used to have a daily yoga practice for a few years and I wasn't terribly unfit when I did them. However, here's what I took away from them.

    He knows a whole lot more about how the body works than people give him credit for knowing. I would have no problem saying that he has a better understand of what yoga is and how it should be used than the vast majority of McYoga teachers at your local gym or community center.

    He does a fantastic job of helping you through it if you're struggling. He knows just when people are going to start breaking down and tells them it's ok to take a break for a moment or find an easier path. He also creates enough space with his sequencing that you have plenty of room to grow once you get the hang of it.

    There are pieces of the way it is marketed that show up in the workout and sort of make you roll your eyes just a little bit.

    For a beginner this is as good of an introduction to yoga as anything I have seen.
  • jimennis
    jimennis Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks guys! I went ahead and ordered it, I have recently done some yoga, but saw his video and the veterans video and thought I would try it. I am wayyyy overweight, but still pretty flexible. I guess I will see what I can with it.