Looking for likeminded MFP friends! :)

IamLee1987 Posts: 15 Member
Hey all,

Looking to broaden the MFP friendship circle with like minded / similar goal.

My Goals:
To lose body fat and get to a Healthy BF%
Gain muscle to improve strength and improve physique.
Eat happy but also healthy.
Improve self confidence and improve self esteem.

I have very recently started a 5x5 strength and muscle building set (3 x a week)
a 20 minute HIIT workout (2x a week)
I also go indoor climbing / bouldering once a week

My stats and stuff are on my profile and my diary is public.

I will offer advice and support where and when I can.

I log everyday (except if on holiday or have no internet)

Feel free to add me!
