Feels like I'm being epicly trolled...



  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I'm not trying to be low in fat, fat just happens to have a ton of calories associated with it. So, reducing fat makes it easier to hit my goals for the day.

    9 calories per gram of fat, 4 per protein and 4 per carb.

    Dietary fat does not mean body fat.

    Get plenty of fat!

    I would suggest some type of macro plan
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Did your doctor tell you to lower the cholesterol or are you just trying to be healthy based on some guidelines you've received?

    If your doctor did tell you, did you do the test that tests the different kinds of cholesterol?

    I did read you OP, but I wasn't able to discern from that.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Cholesterol in food is not the same as cholesterol in the blood.

    This exactly.

    And no reason to feel silly. Many people get this confused.

    That is what magazines, newspaper and our betrusted GP keep telling us like for decades...:)
  • drwaddy
    drwaddy Posts: 50 Member
    Did your doctor tell you to lower the cholesterol or are you just trying to be healthy based on some guidelines you've received?

    If your doctor did tell you, did you do the test that tests the different kinds of cholesterol?

    I did read you OP, but I wasn't able to discern from that.

    The nurse just said high cholesterol, for all I know it could be the good kind, I'm not gonna take it too seriously. I've been getting good exercise, eating lots of fiber, getting plenty of fats, and I'm drinking a LOT of water, so I think I'll be fine.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    when I am under with my protein I add 2 scoops of protein powder to my shake.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I've started lowering my sodium intake too but it's very very hard. It's everywhere and even if I don't use any salt to cook my meals, I end up being over sometimes even though I've not been eating anything special. 2 grams doesn't seem a lot at times!
    My only advice would be to stop adding salt to your meals and track all the sodium coming from your foods only - also you might want to try seitan or soy products that are usually high in proteins but not that much in fats. I'm a vegetarian and that's what I eat.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If you really want to get those issues under control start carrying your meals to work with you. It's summer time and grilling is a man's excuse to hang outside. Grill up a few lbs of chicken breast, salmon, flank steak, pork tenderloin....or whatever you like. Use spices rather than sauces. Freeze the meat in serving sized portions and grab what you need as you run out the door.

    Don't worry about carbs but be picky about what carbs you're eating. Stick with the ones that are low on the glycemic index for your everyday eating and save the white processed stuff for occasionally.

    Look at my diary. It can be done and I've dropped my total cholestrol over a hundred points in the last year.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Looking at your diary, you are not just a little over your sodium, you are getting 5000-7000mg, which is a lot over your suggested limit, especially if your doc said to cut back on it. One day you had over 11,000mg. The one day I saw where there wasn't much you had buffalo wings and they reported zero sodium, which is definitely wrong as wings are typically a higher sodium meal. I'd start with that. Try to get away from the processed/fast food/restaurant meals.

    Also, not sure how you know about your fat being over since it's not showing on your diary.

    I know it's blasphemous to suggest, but I lowered my LDL and triglycerides by cutting my carbs back and increasing my fat intake.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Cholesterol in food is not the same as cholesterol in the blood.

    Oh, well now I feel silly... Think I need to spend some time on google then.

    Yah...you will lower your cholesterol when you lose weight...it's why I am here...high cholesterol...all fixed now.

    As for the hypertension, stress does more to effect that than food...exercise helps me relieve stress..I don't have an issue with my BP except it can be low if I am not hydrated enough but stress...yah...exercise...lifting heavy stuff repeatedly helps.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Cholesterol in food is not the same as cholesterol in the blood.

    Oh, well now I feel silly... Think I need to spend some time on google then.

    Check this out

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Cholesterol in food is not the same as cholesterol in the blood.
    Oh, well now I feel silly... Think I need to spend some time on google then.

    I am just glad I don't have to give up my eggs (along with occasional butter on my steamed veggies and half & half in my coffee . . . both in moderation of course)
  • FanasticllyFlawed
    FanasticllyFlawed Posts: 15 Member
    So, as a general rule, I never write any responses, because most people say the same things or know more than I do. With that being said, having lived a life of fast food and severe over-eating, I know how daunting all this "eat right" information is. The biggest, best investment (well after my crock-pot) I have made is a traveler cooler for work. I make a bunch of meals on Sunday and weigh them out into individual containers and every morning I pack and go. I have breakfast (I make a batch of steel-cut oatmeal with a tsp of cinnamon and a tablespoon of brown sugar - when it is done cooking I stir in a scoop of protein powder, a diced apple and an ounce of chopped up walnuts - sometime more water if the powder made it too thick). lunch (this week is chicken salad - 2 cans bumblebee white meat chicken in water, one diced apple, 1/2 cup diced red grapes, 1/2 cup diced onion, 2 oz chopped walnuts, 1/2 diced celery, 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 tbs tarragon 1 tbs basil - but add more spices if it needs it, like pepper) and a snack (normally cottage cheese and some crackers). I know it sounds boring as all get-out, but if you try and make meals for the week ahead of time, you will be in control of how much sodium is in your food and what your protein to carb ratio is, and as a bonus, you will be eating better quality. It also helps because then when you are starving, there is something decent and readily available - it has cut down on my "grab a quick bite" nights out.

    There are a lot of websites that offer healthy recipes, and then there are a lot of "smart-swaps" you can make on things you already like. For example, I use Greek yogurt in place of sour cream or mayo in almost everything, which ups my protein a good bit!