question about stacking supplements for weight loss

lif3l3ss Posts: 6 Member
My gf is trying to lose some weight she just needs some boost with the fat burning and a boost in energy i was thinking of getting her multi vitamins or just vitamin d since ive read is good for fat burning or get bothwhich id imagine are good anyways, also green tea extract from what ive researched is good for fat burning, read grapefruit is good as well but seems like has too many bad side effects, she was taking raspberry keytones which saw very little progress with and would it be safe to stack raspberry keytones with anything.
Also would you guys recommend anything else sorry if its mistyped im writing this from my phone at work.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    There are no magic pills to kick start weightloss all she needs is a calorie deficit and to be consistent. Save your or hers money and use that money invest in a food scale and a measuring jug
  • lif3l3ss
    lif3l3ss Posts: 6 Member
    Wasbt look for a "magic pill" Shes been eating less about less than her calorie goal on the myfitnesspal app and if she goes slightly over no more than 50 calories and we been eating healthier than we ever have and excercise regularly ive lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks shes lost maybe 2 only reason looking for a little more help. Alot of supplements arent very expensive anyways multi vitamins green tea extract vitamin d fish oils all fairly cheap
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Wasbt look for a "magic pill" Shes been eating less about less than her calorie goal on the myfitnesspal app and if she goes slightly over no more than 50 calories and we been eating healthier than we ever have and excercise regularly ive lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks shes lost maybe 2 only reason looking for a little more help. Alot of supplements arent very expensive anyways multi vitamins green tea extract vitamin d fish oils all fairly cheap

    Anything that will legitimately help out will only have a small overall effect save one or two products and all carry with them inherent risks. Most of these products are not ones you can just go to GNC for
  • lif3l3ss
    lif3l3ss Posts: 6 Member
    What did you mean by save one or two products would you recommend green tea extract ive read good things about it would there be anything else she maybe able to take and she will most likely be having caffeine before working out weather it be a caffeine pill or cofee before working out which i was also wondering if its ok with cardio like workouts shes not running miles shes doing workout videos so those sort of workouts.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What did you mean by save one or two products would you recommend green tea extract ive read good things about it would there be anything else she maybe able to take and she will most likely be having caffeine before working out weather it be a caffeine pill or cofee before working out which i was also wondering if its ok with cardio like workouts shes not running miles shes doing workout videos so those sort of workouts.

    Did you miss where I said i was referring to products that you can't just pick up at GNC?
  • lif3l3ss
    lif3l3ss Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah but was specific to what products and dont have a gnc near me anyways i get most my stuff online
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 141 Member
    She doesn't need anything overly particular. A good multi doesn't hurt (I've been taking Optinum Nutrition's Women's multi for a few years and love it).

    The rest of the stuff... save your cash, spend it on groceries or something. :smile: