Weight Loss is Hard!

Just recently joined. I was up late one night searching apps on my phone which lead me here. I had another one before this but it wasn't connected to a website which I like. It makes me actually remember to log my food since i'm at a computer most of my day.

I have several reasons for getting serious about it this time. It was something my sister said actually that made it click. She said, "why when the kids and I play duck duck goose, am I always the goose?" Well, I don't have kids yet but plan to start trying here in the next few years and I thought to myself...if I played with them it would take me forever to get up let alone run around in a circle. Sounds pathetic I know but that's what made me realize it's time for a serious change.

I'm not too old so it shouldn't be too difficult but with a car accident and horse related injury all within about a 5 year period exercise is just a horrible thought. Slowly but surely though i've made it up to about 3 times a week of at least some kind of activity. Eating right of course is difficult and right now i've constantly been over my alotted calories. It does make me aware that my serious addiction to soft drinks needs to change because that's where it all goes.

Well babbled on too long now with my life story. Figured I needed to vent though :happy:


  • charisma4utmind
    Yes, weight lost can be a challenging process but it's worth it in the long run. I suggest that you take it one day at a time and find something that works for you. Everyone one is different so some diets works for some and not others. Also with you going over your calories, try smaller portions of meals. In addition, maybe logging what you eat and trying to eat the same until you start seeing some type of a progress. The benefit of doing that, you can see what's working and what's not. By logging (especially with this program), you will see and be surprised to the calorie that are in your favorite foods! lol
    Good Luck
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome to MFP Starlyte!! You've come to the right place.

    I found this site a few months ago (the end of July) and I really have found that it has helped to keep me accountable to myself. That is where you have to start, with yourself. Start by making small changes here and there. Reduce the amount of soft drinks day to day and replace them with a healthier choice. You have to go at your own pace. I do not deprive myself of the things I want, but know that instead of eating the entire chocolate cake, I should only have a very small piece. I've tried to be more creative in my meals. Add an extra vegetable.

    I started exercising a little here and a little there. Walking is a great thing (get a pedometer - there are many apps for the iphone/itouch). A little here and a little there. I find myself parking a little further away from the stores too.

    You can do this! I have lived the roller coaster of diets and wieght loss for a very long long time and I have found that this has been one of my best experiences. So good luck!! :happy:
  • richrox
    Glad you joined, Starlyte! Yes, weight loss is hard but it is never too late to start and anything you do is better than doing nothing. I started my journey to lose weight basically the same way you did by accidentally stumbling on the MFP app for my phone. Now I'm obessed with it. Its like a fun challenge to see what I can eat to fit my rationed calorie quota.

    Its been about a month for me and I can totally see the difference. I think the key for me was just sticking with it in the beginning even when I didn't see any results.

    So good luck to you and be encouraged, you've chosen to do something wonderful for yourself!