Approx. calories burned?

I'm 5 ft 5.5 inches and 142 lbs. I do 10 minutes cardio in the morning, an Insanity workout in the late afternoon and an 15 min ab workout at night. I would say my intensity level is medium to high on all three. I take short breaks in the Insanity workout, but other than that I go at it pretty hard. How many calories do I burn through this each day? I don't need exact numbers, just an approx. to log, or a way to calculate how many. I can't afford a heart rate monitor, so that's out of the picture.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I found a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) the best tool to measure calories burned through cardio. Not 100% accurate but better than other methods

    I know you can not get a HRM, if you are using a machine for your cardio, some machines will give you an indication. I found them unreliable.

    Insanity calories burned will vary wildly depending on the intensity of your effort.

    I started to weight lift then, even the HRM was not helpful for calories burned. Now I just estimate based on my experience with the HRM so far.

    I am sorry I can not help you better

    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Our numbers are pretty close. I had a bodymedia armband for a few days and per it I burned around 2200-2800 calories including sleeping.

    As for insanity, I don't know your age and fitness level, I am pretty fit cardiovascular sense. I wear my Polar FT60 and it reads around 320-350 per Insanity session. Just to give you some rough ideas...of course we all are different. :)