Anyone with similar stats to me?

Well over the last year I've put on quite a bit of weight ... 1.4 stone to be exact. So, i was 9 stone at my slimmest and now 10.4 stone ????
It seems like I've been trying so hard over the past 6 months, getting absolutely nowhere! I exercise quite frequently but that isnt the problem, its my diet. I just cant seem to stick at anything end up having massive 2 day food binges.

Anyway, im starting university in september and my goal is to be a size 8 by the time i start, so im guessing i have just over 2 stone to lose.
Was thinking of starting slimming world, purely for the motivation and weekly weigh ins and will help me set targets etc.

Is there anyone with the same stats as me who wants to start this journey with me or wants to share their experiences with weight loss and slimming world?

Thank you xx