New Member

Hey guys :) I just joined myfitnesspal as a recomendation from a friend! Ive spent the last few years going back and forth to the gym with no real training plan and not really making many gains but ill let you know who i am and why im here!

Im 18 years old 6Ft and 160Lbs and in the Navy as an officer cadet.

The main reason im here is to give myself some structure to my training plan and learn as much as I can. Ive got myself a highly reccomended 12 week training plan and have suppliments on the way (weigh, creatine) and other things i was just recommended to take for health, Omega 3 tablets and mutlivitamins.

Ive always been interested in sport but never really excelled in any, was sort of the kid that was good at alot of sports but never amazing or the fastest runner. At the moment im running track and getting in the gym at 6:15 in mornings, giving rest days on my cardio days.

Hope to get some good info from you guys :)!