T25 vs Insanity

I have just finished Insanity and have experience amazing results, i lost fat and have definition in my abs i have NEVER had ever in my 25 years ( almost ) of life! As hard as Insanity is the breaks more then give you the energy to continue pushing through out the program it is an amazing program! However compared to T25 it is a bit light in terms of ability to push! T25 has ZERO breaks and the 25 minutes you spend doing it will have you dripping massive amounts of sweat by the end! I have moved on to T25 and ive got to say HOLY $&%^!!! I gagged with Insanity my first week once, I gagged with T25 Three times in the first two days!

Insanity is awesome!
T25 is a BEAST!

Just my personal experience :) for those wondering about the comparison as i did here is my answer ha good luck!


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I'll agree with you, sort of.
    T25 is a BEAST (if you don't count Alpha)

    If you are only doing Beta and Gamma, then T25 is a BEAST, with Alpha being the warmup for that BEAST.