Not eating 1200 calories



  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    I have been underweight for all but the last 6 years of my life. I know I need to go back to my prior eating habits and that is what I have done. Amazingly the weight is coming off. I have finally learned it is all about the diet I injest and not how much I exercise. I realize I can have treats but I want to exercise moderation. I truly do love healthy foods ( almost as much as I love junk foods) and the last two weeks, I have been excited to pack my lunch. I am excited to actually eat and I have not enjoyed eating in quite some time because I knew what I was eating was making me unhappy with my body.

    When I hit my goal, I may try to lower my goal to 125. But I will plan to just maintain the 125-130. I was 98 lbs at 18. I do not think this is a realistic goal at this point in my life, but I can be happy with myself under 130.

    My fat size was 160. I complained to my doctor and she said I was fine and do not appear overweight. But to me I have way to much extra weight. I need to get myself in a healthy for me weight and a place where I feel good. I want to get excited about shopping on the clearance rack and finding tons of great clothes in a size I can wear.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    So why not add back in a little of that "crap food" to hit your goal?

    I don't think I understand why I need to. I have opened my food diary so it can be viewed. I am eating a well rounded diet. It just happens to be below 1200.

    You don't need to eat crap food just to fill up a calorie goal. That's just silly.

    Instead, try to eat more calorie dense food like olive oil, avocados, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, olives, full fat cheese/ dairy, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, olives, peanut butter, trail mix,

    For example, if you have a salad, drizzle it with olive oil, add blue cheese crumbles and some almonds. If you add spinach, 4-6 oz. chicken and strawberries that makes for a nutrient rich, calorie dense, filling lunch.
    That's going to have a lot more calories (good calories) than lets say greens and a can of tuna.

    Eating steak is another good way to add calories and protein without relaying on junk food.

    I think that's a much better way to go about it. Rather than "I'm going to eat a bag of Doritos because MFP says I need another 300 calories"

    Going 1 day under your goal is not going to slow down your metabolism. Just like 1 day of going over your calories is not going to destroy your weight loss path.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    No one asked you to post on someone's item saying something like that. If you don't like seeing them because they may annoy you, just keep on scrolling and leave the New People alone @PinkCupcakes8
  • Irishb118
    Irishb118 Posts: 25 Member
    Really? You can't eat 1200 calories? Cause eating WAY more than 1200 is how I (and many others) ended up here in the first place. :grumble:

  • Irishb118
    Irishb118 Posts: 25 Member
    Really? You can't eat 1200 calories? Cause eating WAY more than 1200 is how I (and many others) ended up here in the first place. :grumble:

    I am pretty sure I ended up here because I like sweets. Cupcakes, pie, cookies, cream....milk chocolate, and the whole jar of hot fudge topping I ate right before I started at mfp. I am trying to cut out all the sweets, fried foods and crap. I have some weak moments , but for the most part I have not over indulged on the plan.

    This is a BAD idea. Don't cut out ALL of these things. I did that and did great for 7 months, then the holidays hit and wow, fudge and cakes and cookies started rolling in and guess what - that JUST one turned into a whole lot of "just one MORE" because I didn't teach myself or train myself MODERATION. NOW, I am focusing on moderation - not easy for a foodie for sure, but I will learn. You are setting yourself up for failure by cutting out everything you enjoy. In my opinion, that is just not a good idea.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I eat somewhere around 1400-1800 net calories per day, depending on my exercise anor if I'm having a glass of wine with dinner and I must say, I have to be careful to not go OVER that amount. Are you logging everything?
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    i have 3 meals today and maybe a snack later and im probally gonna hit 800 something no matter how hard i try i never hit many and then somedays i go way over

    So you eat between 800 and 1000 cals everyday and you burn sometimes up to 900 cals by exercising.

    How can you still walk and breath with a net total of 100 cals everyday!? I don't understand that.
  • taralynn1212
    taralynn1212 Posts: 3 Member
    I know this is random I'm sorry for interrupting.... But anyone wanna be my friend ????? I need some encouragement !!! Taralynn1212 add me :)
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    i have 3 meals today and maybe a snack later and im probally gonna hit 800 something no matter how hard i try i never hit many and then somedays i go way over

    So you eat between 800 and 1000 cals everyday and you burn sometimes up to 900 cals by exercising.

    How can you still walk and breath with a net total of 100 cals everyday!? I don't understand that.

    More funny - "no matter how hard i try i never hit many"

    Ice cream, beer, wine, peanut butter..... and done.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    This can cause problems for you in the future - including losing your hair, fatigue etc. Eat food, stay active and be patient
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Ahh here we go with the "I just can't eat 1200 calories" posts.

    Makes you wonder how they ever became overweight in the first place. :laugh:
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    When I say crap diet, I mean French fries, baked potatoes, rice, fried foods. Cookies, donuts, cakes, ice cream every night....

    I have always made fairly good choices meal wise. I mostly order kids meals when we eat out. I never order sodas. I have not cut out the quantity of food I eat. I just changed what I ate.
    I still eat all of those foods....and drink beer and wine and mixed drinks and enjoy all of it....just not every night.

    First LOVE your dog, he/she looks like my Bella
    Second, I am like you, I eat those foods as well, drink beer and wind, just not every night and not alot i attempt to keep to my 1200 calorie diet :)
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Add protein to your fruit veggie diet.

    I eat lots of chicken. Today. I was over on protein.

    I really think you need to increase your healthy fats (try the suggestions I made earlier) Switch out the 1% dairy and low fat dressing for regular dairy/cheese (less sugar that way) and olive oil mixed with balsamic glaze, for example.
    If you are having time meeting your calories, don't have "kids meals" and reduced fat/calorie products.

    If you are coming up short on calories and going over on protein, then substitute chicken for salmon. You will still get protein in addition to healthy fats and is a more calorie dense food.
    If you don't like salmon try cod, if you don't like fish try grilled flank steak.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I have the opposite problem, MFP wants me to eat 1200 in order to lose weight but I can't ever seem to stay that low! I get too hungry. Because of my husband's work schedule, I always end up eating 4 meals a day - I can't wait to eat dinner at 9pm, so I eat around 4 or 5, and then I eat with him too because I'm hungry again.
    I know I need to cut out the 2-3 high calorie snacks thrown in almost every day, but I have 3 freakin' jobs, 2 of which are very sedentary, and when I say I don't have time to work out on most days... I really don't. So 1200 calories is super low to me, and I almost never hit it. When I get close to hitting 1200 - I get sabotaged by my husband who has 700-1000 calories left and wants me to eat with him :(
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Really? You can't eat 1200 calories? Cause eating WAY more than 1200 is how I (and many others) ended up here in the first place. :grumble:

    I am pretty sure I ended up here because I like sweets. Cupcakes, pie, cookies, cream....milk chocolate, and the whole jar of hot fudge topping I ate right before I started at mfp. I am trying to cut out all the sweets, fried foods and crap. I have some weak moments , but for the most part I have not over indulged on the plan.

    I'm going to go against the grain here and say that your diary doesn't look bad. I only looked at the past few days, and while adding a bit more protein probably wouldn't hurt (if you are heatlhy), you seem to a eat a pretty healthy diet. And your calories don't seem all that low for someone of your height. If you are losing at a reasonable rate and don't feel fatigued, then continue with your plan.

    If you begin to feel overly hungry or lethargic, then up your calories a little. Many people tweak their diets as they lose. A palmful of nuts would bring you up to goal most days. Nuts are very healthy because they contain healthy fats, protein and fiber.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I have been high on protein some days but still low on calories. I am loving the diet! Other than switching out fried foods and breads for salads, I have not changed to much.

    It is amazing the difference without eating breads and fried foods.

    the question is can you maintain your calorie intake forever? you know ultimately once you hit your goal weight and you "slack off" or just up your calorie intake you are most likely going to gain the weight back.

    i noticed you eat tuna salad - it's marked as homemade and you eat 3 oz. do you make it yourself? did you create a recipe for it? does the calorie count include whatever condiment you use to make your tuna salad?

    you mentioned not eating junk foods. everyone's view on what constitutes junk food is different. for me it's fast food, store bought sweets and cookies. based on the days i looked at you are still in fact eating junk food - little ceasers, chick fil a, to me this is junk food.

    there are plenty of ways to increase your calorie intake that doesn't include eating junk. just up the portion size of the good for you stuff you are eating.

    what about adding a spoon of peanut butter to your breakfast yogurt. how about a hard boiled egg. these things will give you the added calories and a boost of much needed protein.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    The fact that you used to be significantly underweight, that you want to go back to those eating habits, and the only reason you're not shooting for 98 pounds at 5'3" is because you think you can't get there (not because you acknowledge you shouldn't), are all concerning for me.

    One thing people rarely explicitly address on these threads but is often a concern is that the person who's telling themselves they "can't" reach 1200 calories may start constantly moving their goalposts. First it'll be 1200, then "well, my weight loss is slowing down, if I can hit 1100 regularly, surely I can cut back a tiny more and hit 1000". Mentally, it can be a dangerous game.

    I never said I was significantly underweight. I was underweight for most of my life. I also stated 98 lbs is not realistic again and my goal is 125-130. I am not 18 any longer, nor am I trying to be.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    Add protein to your fruit veggie diet.

    I eat lots of chicken. Today. I was over on protein.

    I really think you need to increase your healthy fats (try the suggestions I made earlier) Switch out the 1% dairy and low fat dressing for regular dairy/cheese (less sugar that way) and olive oil mixed with balsamic glaze, for example.
    If you are having time meeting your calories, don't have "kids meals" and reduced fat/calorie products.

    If you are coming up short on calories and going over on protein, then substitute chicken for salmon. You will still get protein in addition to healthy fats and is a more calorie dense food.
    If you don't like salmon try cod, if you don't like fish try grilled flank steak.

    Best of luck on your journey.

    Unfortunately I am a picky eater. Especially with meats. Chicken and ground beef are about my only choices. I don't eat fish, except tuna from a can. I don't care for steak unless it is concealed in something like steak fajitas or chimichangas.

    I have always Ordered kids meals when dining out.. I can't eat huge portions and instead of wasting food, I just order the kids size. It has nothing to do with counting calories.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    I have been high on protein some days but still low on calories. I am loving the diet! Other than switching out fried foods and breads for salads, I have not changed to much.

    It is amazing the difference without eating breads and fried foods.

    the question is can you maintain your calorie intake forever? you know ultimately once you hit your goal weight and you "slack off" or just up your calorie intake you are most likely going to gain the weight back.

    i noticed you eat tuna salad - it's marked as homemade and you eat 3 oz. do you make it yourself? did you create a recipe for it? does the calorie count include whatever condiment you use to make your tuna salad?

    you mentioned not eating junk foods. everyone's view on what constitutes junk food is different. for me it's fast food, store bought sweets and cookies. based on the days i looked at you are still in fact eating junk food - little ceasers, chick fil a, to me this is junk food.

    there are plenty of ways to increase your calorie intake that doesn't include eating junk. just up the portion size of the good for you stuff you are eating.

    what about adding a spoon of peanut butter to your breakfast yogurt. how about a hard boiled egg. these things will give you the added calories and a boost of much needed protein.

    I can maintain this diet. I have never been a big eater, so switching out things like French fries for greens is my ticket to sucess. I already rarely drink soda, and mostly just drink water. Oh and yes, I made the tuna salad myself, so I knew exactly what I out in it. Tuna, pepper and celery...

    I can't give up fast food totally because we rely on it some nights with our schedule, but I can limit my portions and add healthier things into my other meals.
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    Ahh here we go with the "I just can't eat 1200 calories" posts.

    Makes you wonder how they ever became overweight in the first place. :laugh:

    How about some encouragement instead of ridicule ?
    Maybe if you haven't got something nice to say, say nothing. ;)