
I am trying to get the motivation to get tot he gym before work. I am a school teacher and getting up at 4:45 to hit the gym is NOT an easy task. I hit snooze a lot. I have lost 20 pounds in the last year and a half but have been at the same weight for about 9 months. I love this program because it is on my phone. I have a wedding to attend in Hawaii in June and I am a bridesmaid in July....hoping for a body change. Working on it.


  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    hang in there your body, will eventually be in sync with your time schedule. I am a 24 hour home childcare provider (infants only) on a military base and I pledge every morning to get up @ 445am and get on that treadmill, and I tell you some mornings that snooze button is my best friend & worst enemy. Maybe try to see if there is some room to move things around so you can adjust the times you go to bed. Once again hang in there it will all come together for you
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Hello fellow morning gym goer!

    I am one of those people who get up at 430am, gets dressed has a quick breakfast and goes to the gym before work.

    Here are a few things that keep me motivated:
    1) It's done! When I get it done first thing, I don't have to mentally give myself pep-talks throughout the day. If something pops up, hey I can go cause my workout is done. All I have to do for the rest of the day is feed my body in a healthy way!
    2) Plan my workout the night before, as I'm going to bed. Get everything ready, gym clothes, shower stuff, work clothes, food for next day, and my workout plan. This gets me in the frame of mind that YES I will be getting up to hit the gym in the am - so get ready body! Plus, no excuses.
    3) Put my alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom. This way, why the heck would I hit snooze if I'm already up to turn the darn thing off?? Then splash water on my face :)
    4) I ALWAYS remind myself of what I'm striving for... Whenever I start talking myself out of working out, I think of when I couldn't work out and how I felt lousy, crumy, depressed and sad... I don't want to be there again!!! I LOVE feeling GREAT! So why the heck would I not go workout? Workout = feeling happy and healthy!
    5) I am dedicated my health to myself, but also to those who aren't able to move like we can. I appreciate EVERY DAY that I am able to get out there and feel great about pushing my limits... I can move, so MOVE!!!

    Keep at it :) It's much satisfying when you leave the gym and have left yourself on the floor and think "wow, some people are just getting up now... I've done MUCH more than most people at this part of the day! YAY for me :)" I also spread the word because I love the reaction I get from people when they ask "You get up at 430 to go to the gym? WOW, you're dedicated" Darn right I am!!! :) You know you wanna be me! LOL :heart:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I too find that getting everything together the night before helps. Gym bag with my towel, iPod, HRM, water bottle, all set to go. Work out clothes picked out so I can throw them on and have an idea of what to bring for my morning snack at work. Also, getting enough sleep so I'm not so tired helps as well.