The calories burned counter on here looks overly optimistic



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    Can you please stop talking about endomorphs I don't beleive in that stuff and don't even know what it means anyways and won't read to find out. If you describe it here I won't bother either but will just exit the thread.

    Oh wtf.

    Translation: "I don't believe in something, but I don't know what it is, and I refuse to find out. If you try to explain it to me I'll plug my ears and sing songs in my head!"

    That is amazing. lol.
    I knew that would be the first thing someone would say to that as I typed it. I don't have to research unicorn farts to know they are not part of reality. I've seen enough threads with that this and that morph to know that's bogus and unnecessary stuff ppl tell themselves to make themselves beleive they are giving themselves some kind of "custom program", just like fruit shapes and whatnot.

    I just wanted her to focus on what's real and not try to distract this calories topic by explaining her morph ridiculousness b/c her repeatedly saying it points to that's eventually where she's going to go with all this.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    No, I'm not sure how they work it out. It's probably impossible to say unless you have someone qualified to run tests on you and who can afford that, or even has time for it?

    How about eat when you are hungry and stay within your healthy BMI range. I'm within my healthy range and so far that's worked for me. I enjoy working out like a crazy woman once a week. I don't see why that has got some people's kinckers in a twist?

    it put my kinkers in a twist (knickers?) b/c I just came from a thread where a woman is crapping blood from doing something unnecessary to herself and that 2+ hour workout you claim "tricks the body" is not necessary and could be dangerous for another person it could lead to injury or heat exhaustion but if someone felt "it works" they might force themselves to do it in spite of it not being healthy OR EVEN NECESSARY.

    That's why.

    Keep being glib though.

    Wow, do you mean to sound like a hostile and agressive person?

    I'm not sure what your issue is, but a lot of us are fine with doing 2 hours of exercise. Interestingly, a lot of martial arts classes will run for an hour - an hour and a half and often spill over into 2 hours if the teacher is especially enthusiastic. This isn't unsual at all for people who are into this sort of thing.

    Most people with a reasonable level of fitness can cope with this. It's a case of mental attitude. I don't know about the person crapping blood, but it sounds as though she has an underlying health problem.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Also, if anyone bothered to read my first post, they will see that 40 minutes of that was brisk walking, which was walking into the town centre and back. That isn't exactly hammering it.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    900 calories for 2+ hours of exercise seems fairly reasonable to be. If it's big, it's not crazy high

    1500 non exercise TDEE for a woman does not seem reasonable to me unless you're in a coma for 75% of the day

    I have the same stats and my TDEE is around 2100.

    By the way, MFP's estimates for walking and running are quite accurate if you enter time and distance (you don't really need an HRM for that, there are tons of free smartphone apps), and HRMs won't be accurate for circuit training because it's not steady state cardio.
    If you're doing circuit training consistently, you'd better switch to TDEE method or proceed by trial and error (i.e: start with eating 90% of the exercise calories and readjust if needed. Are you losing weight at the expected rate? Great! Keep going! Is your loss slower than expected? Eat 75% of exercise calories. Rinse and repeat.).
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    900 calories for 2+ hours of exercise seems fairly reasonable to be. If it's big, it's not crazy high

    1500 non exercise TDEE for a woman does not seem reasonable to me unless you're in a coma for 75% of the day

    I have the same stats and my TDEE is around 2100.

    By the way, MFP's estimates for walking and running are quite accurate if you enter time and distance (you don't really need an HRM for that, there are tons of free smartphone apps), and HRMs won't be accurate for circuit training because it's not steady state cardio.
    If you're doing circuit training consistently, you'd better switch to TDEE method or proceed by trial and error (i.e: start with eating 90% of the exercise calories and readjust if needed. Are you losing weight at the expected rate? Great! Keep going! Is your loss slower than expected? Eat 75% of exercise calories. Rinse and repeat.).

    Yeah, my weight loss is pretty slow, but I don't think the medication I'm on exactly helps. It is notorious for weight gain. I'm trying to lose the weight I've put on since starting it. I've lost 7 so far and I'm 9 and a half stone now. To be honest, I'll be happy to be hovering back at around 9.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No, I'm not sure how they work it out. It's probably impossible to say unless you have someone qualified to run tests on you and who can afford that, or even has time for it?

    How about eat when you are hungry and stay within your healthy BMI range. I'm within my healthy range and so far that's worked for me. I enjoy working out like a crazy woman once a week. I don't see why that has got some people's kinckers in a twist?

    it put my kinkers in a twist (knickers?) b/c I just came from a thread where a woman is crapping blood from doing something unnecessary to herself and that 2+ hour workout you claim "tricks the body" is not necessary and could be dangerous for another person it could lead to injury or heat exhaustion but if someone felt "it works" they might force themselves to do it in spite of it not being healthy OR EVEN NECESSARY.

    That's why.

    Keep being glib though.

    Wow, do you mean to sound like a hostile and agressive person?

    I'm not sure what your issue is, but a lot of us are fine with doing 2 hours of exercise. Interestingly, a lot of martial arts classes will run for an hour - an hour and a half and often spill over into 2 hours if the teacher is especially enthusiastic. This isn't unsual at all for people who are into this sort of thing.

    Most people with a reasonable level of fitness can cope with this. It's a case of mental attitude. I don't know about the person crapping blood, but it sounds as though she has an underlying health problem.

    no other people chimed in that they are also crapping blood. but just scaling back to cope. b/c it's so good for them, they beleive.

    anyways I get that people CAN workout for those lengths of time.

    I'm taking issue with your claim that it does some magical "shock" to the body that is beneficial. I don't beleive that is true and does not justify it. I think people who read that may misinterpret that to mean they SHOULD do that once in awhile and a person who is not at the right level of fitness could get hurt that way. There is nothing "hostile" in me saying that.

    Right now you are reminding me of that scene in the Adam Sandler movie "ANGER MANAGEMENT" when the air marshall says "DON"T YELL".

    You are thinking that if you call me "hostile" that that will negate the fact that you are saying something that is not true and spreading misinformation that could be damaging to someone else. Just to make yourself feel better. just to stay motivated.

    IDC if you want to do it , just don't claim it's doing any magic to your body so others won't force themselves to do a rando 3 times harder than usual workout.

    And when you answer me, try not to sound so hostile. LOL *smh*
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Yes, but I'm just recounting what a couple of martial arts teachers have told me. These are dudes in their 50s who put most 20 year olds to shame. They have been at it for years, so I do believe them when it comes to theories on shocking the body. Apparently, it forces it to adapt quickly.

    I'm not saying that everyone should go and do it, but lots of people do 2 hour bike rides in hilly places, or play sports for a couple of hours. It's a matter of common sense though. It wouldn't be a good idea to go on a 2 hour bike ride or train for 2 hours if you aren't used to it.

    Also, as I already mentioned, 40 mins of the exercises I logged was walking. So, I wasn't actually circuit training for 2 hours.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    900 calories for 2+ hours of exercise seems fairly reasonable to be. If it's big, it's not crazy high

    1500 non exercise TDEE for a woman does not seem reasonable to me unless you're in a coma for 75% of the day

    I have the same stats and my TDEE is around 2100.

    By the way, MFP's estimates for walking and running are quite accurate if you enter time and distance (you don't really need an HRM for that, there are tons of free smartphone apps), and HRMs won't be accurate for circuit training because it's not steady state cardio.
    If you're doing circuit training consistently, you'd better switch to TDEE method or proceed by trial and error (i.e: start with eating 90% of the exercise calories and readjust if needed. Are you losing weight at the expected rate? Great! Keep going! Is your loss slower than expected? Eat 75% of exercise calories. Rinse and repeat.).

    Yeah, my weight loss is pretty slow, but I don't think the medication I'm on exactly helps. It is notorious for weight gain. I'm trying to lose the weight I've put on since starting it. I've lost 7 so far and I'm 9 and a half stone now. To be honest, I'll be happy to be hovering back at around 9.
    Your weight is already in the healthy range, so losing the last pounds will be a slow process, even without medications. For your goals, losing 2-4 lbs a month is ideal and will help you transition to maintenance. Keep it simple and sustainable! :wink:
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Yes, those last few pounds are the hardest to lose and it is always a slow process. :) I'm also just generally working on fitness and body composition.

    As I mentioned, I know people in their 50s who are fighting fit and I hope to be like that when I am their age.

    Incidentally, what on earth are people doing that is making them crap blood? I've honestly never heard of such a thing, it sounds very serious indeed.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Just a thought, but if people are doing themselves a wrogun and crapping blood from exercise, it sounds like an 'exercise safely' thread is in order. That's not meant to be at all snarky btw.

    All I have on that is to stay well hydrated, workout when it's cooler and to not do it in a fasted state. That's all I've got I'm afraid.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    This is why I invested in a heart rate monitor. Great decision.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    This is why I invested in a heart rate monitor. Great decision.

    What kind did you get? Also, what are they like when you exercise? Do they feel awkward?
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I usually split whatever it gives me for "calories burned" in half. It definitely overestimates. My treadmill can say I burned (for example) 150 calories for walking 3.5MPH for 35 minutes, and if I type in walking, 3.5 MPH 35 minutes on here, it will add wayyyy more than what my treadmill gave me for calories burned.

    I would get yourself a heart rate monitor. I hear those are the best option!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Not if the descriptions of pace or intensity match what you actually did.

    For instance the running and walking speeds, if you actually did that level, are more accurate than HRM.

    The problem comes in people estimating how fast they think they went when outside.
    Treadmill is fine, accurate enough for speed.

    I've seen folks estimate their biking speed based on a couple of high speeds they happened to get, not the total distance divided by time.
    So they selected the wrong speed.

    Other things would be right if the timing was right too, even one with only a couple of levels.
    But you have to be honest with the time. Was the 45 min Zumba workout really 45 of normal intense class - or was easily 10 min warm-up and cool-down?
    Was your strength training really 30 min with only the set rests, or between each lift did you talk to someone for 5 min?

    I've even found the swimming to be within 20 calories to best calculation for only 40 min, at least vigorous was. If I swam better it might be wrong.

    And for all the claims the HRM must be more accurate because it's different, well, that's not even logical first, second the chances of that are rather narrow too with all the cheaper HRM's being used that are missing a vital stat.

    Men aren't off the hook either.

    Plus the HRM is the wrong tool for getting calorie counts for anything besides steady-state aerobic with same HR for 2-4 min.
    So all the lifting, intervals, insanity, Crossfit, ect, where the HR goes up and down constantly, is really an inflated HR, so the calorie calculation is inflated too.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    You have just reminded me of a gym I used to go to. It had a few exercise bikes that calculated the calories you used. One of them always estimated loads more than the rest and it also happened to be the most popular one.

    I'll have to research HRMs now.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In... see how the experts fare in this thread.

    (Lately, it seems like the "snowflakes" have been besting the "experts"...not so much on facts, but just in the sheer number of them.)
  • CookieDoughYummy
    Well I have a Polar monitor and myfitnesspal says I burn on average 50 calories more than I should be :S
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    In... see how the experts fare in this thread.

    (Lately, it seems like the "snowflakes" have been besting the "experts"...not so much on facts, but just in the sheer number of them.)

    What are snowflakes?

    heybales, I didn't consider the warm up and cool down times. I just assumed that would be included, because you should always do those and nobody would do a class or workout DVD without them.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well I have a Polar monitor and myfitnesspal says I burn on average 50 calories more than I should be :S

    Than you should be?

    You might have to explain, because that doesn't even make sense?

    Or you are assuming the Polar is accurate because .... ?

    And 50 calories more with 2 hrs, or 2 minutes of workout time?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In... see how the experts fare in this thread.

    (Lately, it seems like the "snowflakes" have been besting the "experts"...not so much on facts, but just in the sheer number of them.)

    What are snowflakes?

    heybales, I didn't consider the warm up and cool down times. I just assumed that would be included, because you should always do those and nobody would do a class or workout DVD without them.

    Snowflakes are those people for whom the experts' facts don't apply... least in the snowflakes' minds.