I need to eat MORE calories?!



  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    What everyone else said, x10000. As for WHAT to eat: ditch the Quest bar (I know, I love them, too) for 2 slices of toast with peanut butter. You'll get about 100 more calories, and probably actually be LESS full. I know that sounds weird, but, for me, Quest bars will fill me up for hours. I can go an entire work day on a Quest bar and a string cheese.
    Stop using "fat free" products. The full fat ones are way tastier, and will up your calorie count.
    Try adding a banana to your cereal.
    Add bacon or turkey to your morning bagel. 2 slices of bacon will set you 100 cals and you won't even feel the difference in fullness.
    Butter the heck out of your muffins.
    Have a fudgesicle for dessert. Again, you won't feel fuller, but it's creamy, dreamy and delicious!
    A few of these changes each day will easily bump you up a few hundred cals. You tend to eat the same things often, so add one or two and eat it for a few days until you get used to it. Then add another. And repeat.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I know I am in the healthy weight range, but I'm just not happy with my appearance. 135 is still in the healthy weight range for my height. It's not that I hate my body, I just think I could improve it. And my stomach and thighs are flabby, I want a six pack.
    If you don't understand that you can lose weight eating the proper amount of DIFFERENT foods, there is nothing more to be done on this thread! You should be eating 1900 calories for your height and weight and you will still lose in an intelligent way.
    If you need more attention go seek it elsewhere!
    How many people have to tell you that what you are doing is dangerous????
    I believe your brain is already affected from your lack of adequate nutrients.
    Good luck.
    ETA-you will never get a "6 pack" eating the way you are!
    You need lots of protein, veggies and fruits of which there is virtually none in your present diet.

    I didn't understand so I asked for help. I'm not exactly willing to pay however much it costs to go to a nutritionist, and I would much rather hear advice from people who have experienced this or something similar. I understand NOW it's dangerous but I just posted this thread yesterday. I go grocery shopping on the weekends, so I'll be shopping for better choices. I can't just throw out all the food I have now.

    I don't think you have to throw out the food you have now. I think you have to just eat a lot more of it. You definitely are not fueling your body properly for your workouts.

    You won't get the body you want by not eating food. You need to look into body recomposition.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You don't need to throw out any food. Just eat more of it!

    Honestly, your period has stopped. You need to talk to a doctor and eat more.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Based on your other posts .... GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!!
  • ForeverSunshine23
    Drink juice, milk and protein shakes, liquid calories count.
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    You need professional help before you do serious physical damage to yourself!
    Your diary made me so sad and frightened for you.
    I read back to the beginning of May and only one day had over 1000 calories.
    A lot of days had around 600-700.
    No veggies, little fruit, little protein.
    You are destroying every vital organ in your body including your heart, bones, muscles etc.!
    Please see a doctor.
    No one can help you here if you are not willing to nourish yourself.
    Please confide in someone you trust and go to a doctor.

    agree ^. really.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It sounds like you have at least the beginnings of an eating disorder...you should consider getting some help.
  • SixteenthOfJuly
    1900 is enough.
    2000 is the maximum amount for an adult woman.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    1900 is enough.
    2000 is the maximum amount for an adult woman.

    This is patently untrue.

    It depends on your size and activity level and what you are trying to achieve (weight loss, gain, maintenance, etc.) Extremely active people often need up to 3000 calories a day and more if they are doing athletic training. You have to calculate specifically for your own needs. There's no magic number that's good for everybody.

    For me to maintain my weight it's 2100 calories a day, which is what I consume, and I'm an adult woman. If I maxed out at 2000 a day I'd be losing weight. At my most active I consumed up to 2800 per day and was extremely lean.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    1900 is enough.
    2000 is the maximum amount for an adult woman.

    Rubbish - I am maintaining at 1710 and I don't do much exercise and I am not quite 5ft 4 in tall and I am 50 years old.

    Many adult women are taller, younger, more active than me .

    I find it very hard to believe no adult women need more than 300 calories more than me.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    1900 is enough.
    2000 is the maximum amount for an adult woman.

    Im 6ft2 and on a 15% calorie reduction Im eating 1950 calories per day
    My Maintenance is 2400 calories.

    Dont post when you dont know.