Problem with calluses and/or corn

Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
Hello there! I wasn't sure where to post this but I'm having trouble getting back into exercising because of a extremely painful callus on my foot. At least that's what the walk-in doctor called it. It's not big but it has what seems to be a dot in the middle of it. Upon further research, that is apparently blood between soft skin and hard skin. Anyways, i digress... what do you guys do about calluses? I've tried to shave it down a bit but it didn't seem to work. I can't really afford to go to a foot doctor at this moment as i don't have any coverage. So at home remedies i can try is what i'm looking for! That or products that you have seen in action working! I'll be trying some new shoes tomorrow and hopefully i can deal with this darn thing quick and get back to jogging!

Thanks a lot everyone! Happy exercising! :)


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    In for this one....I've got three of the buggers!
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    The dot in the middle that you refer to, makes it sound more like you might have a plantar wart?

    I would google the difference between calluses and plantars wart to confirm - check the pictures and compare to the soles of your feet. Apparently they are easy to misdiagnose because they are so similar.

    There are some over-the-counter wart medications (dr. scholls) that you can purchase and start working with. If it is a plantars wart, people seem to be hit and miss on removing them completely without a physician's assistance, but I was successful in removing one a couple of months ago on my own -- with nightly treatments over several weeks.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Ditto, sounds more like a plantar wart. I let my daughter use my shower once and she gave it to me. We both went to the podiatrist and he used a solution that hurt for a couple of days, but it was gone after one trip. Now they always have to wear shower shoes in my shower!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,521 Member
    It's not necessarily a plantar wart. I have the same thing. It's on the bottom of my big toe; it also has a dot. I initially thought it was a wart.

    It's just a really bad callus. I went to the podiatrist, and she shaved it down, and I applied gordofilm to help remove it. I wouldn't shave it down myself. It reoccurs; I just go back to the podiatrist every few months to have it removed.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    There are drugstore products that can take the pressure off a callus (imagine a miniature version of the donut cushion for hemmorhoids) however they don;t solve the underlying problem that led to the callus forming. If the callus formed because of pressure or friction on one spot, then a change in footwear is needed.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Well the walk in dr. looked at with a microscope and diagnosed it at a callus. The thing is, i have callus' but I've never had one so painful! I checked what a plantar wart is and it looks nothing like that. The dot is more like under the skin and very small. barely noticeable at the moment. However thank you everyone! I'll look into the things you mentioned as well as change the type of shoes i'm wearing. I'm thinking it could be due to the flat shoes i'm wearing.... here they look like this:

    my foot started to hurt after i got shoes like that so i'm pegging it on them. i'll switch to runners for the next couple of days and see if that helps! then from there if it's not going away i'll look into a shaver of sorts for it and or some sort of crème? I guess. From there if all else fails i'll pay the fee for the podiatrist. I'm dreading the expense for that! man do i need coverage haha.

    Anyway! Thanks again! I'll probably post in here the result in a few days.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I've been hacking mine off with nail clippers. Cheaper than doctor, or pedi. It's just dead skin, and just be careful you don't go too far into healthy tissue.