New & in need of advice.

Hello guys!

So I've always had problems with my weight/health issues. I am 5''4, 21y/o, & weight 143lbs. I kinda always start a diet, then quit when the pressure of finals gets too high.

I reaaaaally want to succeed this time, & a friend told me about this app with a great community that supports all along the way.

I am a vegetarian also, so a balanced diet is tricky sometimes.

I just wanted to know if I could get any advice on how to start/keep this challenge.

Much appreciated (:



  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Biggest thing is to just get started and get back on the horse if you mess up. A lot of people give up if they succumb to temptations.
  • ForeverSunshine23
    I know what you mean I'm also in college so I know how you feel, its difficult to stay on track with all the pressure from social events and late night study sessions. What I do personally is set rules for myself like I don't allow myself to eat after 10pm just water and if I feel like I'm starving a bag of popcorn. I also have a pintrest fitness inspiration board were I have fitness quotes, pin of people with the body I want to achieve and anything that will remind me to stay on track. Every time I feel like cheating myself out of a workout or eating something really unhealthy I go to my pintrest board and it really helps. I'm 5'3 and I was 165 lbs in high school by making healthy living a life style I'm currently a junior in college and down to 122 lbs. I don't know what your goals are but stick to it and eventually you'll get there:)
  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    Best advice I can give you is start now. Not tomorrow, not after this last cheat meal - NOW.

    It'll be hard, but nothing worth having comes easy right? Take baby steps, maybe go for a walk, cut out unnecessary junk food or food just generally not good for you. Try switching from sodas to juice and then only water, it'll not only make you feel a great deal better, but it does wonders for your skin.

    As for being a vegetarian and getting a balanced diet, try to eat lentils to get your protein, also nuts, greek yoghurt, spinach, asparagus and seeds have a high level of protein (off the top of my head, obviously there are heaps more vege friendly, high protein options). Also try switching to healthier carb options (something I'm trying to do myself), such as brown rice and bulgar.

    Try to set small achievable goals, reward yourself every time you reach your goals. No matter how small or insignificant you may think the change you've made is, it's still a step in the right direction.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to add me. And of course, good luck :)
  • _beachready
    _beachready Posts: 67 Member
    Yeah, that's my biggest fear: temptations. Thanks for the advice!!! (:
  • _beachready
    _beachready Posts: 67 Member
    Probably also good to mention that i don't drink any type of soda or rice (don't like the flavor of both).

    Whoever is reading this post... feel free to add me (: