motivation to work out

I really struggle to exercise more than four days a week. I tell myself I will exercise when I get out of work, and then by the time the end of the work day has arrived I feel tired and tell myself "wake up early tomarrow morning instead". So I convince myself that it's a good idea, and I'll wake up early to work out. Of course then the alarm goes off the next morning and I am so comfy and tired and don't want to get out of I tell myself "well I guess you'll just miss a day of exercise then". And so it goes.
I seem to do best with exercising Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun. I want to work one more day in there so that it adds up to three days of cardio and two of full body strength training. Am I asking too much of myself?
AUGH! So frustrating!


  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    It's helped me to make it non-optional. e.g. I wouldn't decide that I can just skip work because my bed is really comfy. I can't skip exercising either. It's not always easy but I've found that the more I do it the easier it has become.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    There are very effective 4-day work outs. Maybe your body is telling you something. Be effective when you workout...stick to your food plan on your days off. Also, days off you can still walk of be active without going to the gym.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    When I started waking up at 5 to workout, so I can do it before my daughter wakes up, the alarm would go off and I'd also be nice a and comfy and not get out of bed. Now when it goes off, I jump out of bed and run in the bathroom. Works for me. lol
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm in the same boat. So what I started to do was if there was a show that I enjoyed to watch I would either do WII exercises or lift weights or even just use the swiss ball while I watched my shows. I found that since I was just sitting on the couch watching them I might as well workout.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Yeah I experience those conversations with myself sometimes. So I've convinced myself that once the clock goes off at 4:30, I have to get up out of the bed after Thanking God for waking me. Once I go to the bathroom, I'm good. So maybe try going straight to the bathroom once you get up so you don't dwell on the fact that you are comfortable.

    But if you body is telling you the 4 days are more than enough, make sure you are pushing past your comfort zone on those days.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Four days is GREAT! What an accomplishment!

    Perhaps, since this struggle does not happen on the four days you do work out, you really don't want to work out more than four days?

    If I'm wrong, and I often am, I get myself to the gym by not thinking about what I'm 'in for'. If I'm tired, I don't tell myself that a workout will make me more tired. I just put on my clothes and get in the car. I can always leave if I get to the gym and am passing out from exhaustion. Guess what? That has NEVER happened. I always get to the gym/into class/on my walk/on my bike and am AMAZED at how much energy I actually have. Even a half-hearted walk burns more calories than laying on the couch. Something is always better than nothing.

    It also helps to do workouts that are fun. Perhaps, on Friday evenings, get your girlfriends together and attend an open skate at your local roller rink. You'll be getting in that 5th workout and you won't even REALIZE that you're working out.


  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    You're right, I don't call out to work just because I am comfy. I get my butt to work! I need to do the same with this.

    I sometimes wonder if it's the type of workouts I'm doing. On my cardio days I tend to do high impact stuff like fast step aerobics and plyo. I wonder if going for a walk wouldn't be a bad idea. I asked my hubby for a fitbit so I could see what my calorie burn is, maybe I'll try to incorporate some more gentle types of cardio....

    lol I need to find a place to walk, my neighborhood is a little sketchy.

    Thanks guys for the replies. Sometimes if just helps to know others have that internal dialogue too!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I choose no opt out. There are definitely days when I'm really tired and don't feel ilke working out. On those days I just do whatever feels right. Some days, I stay tired and it's a mediocre workout. Might not be the best workout, but I figure it's better than nothing. Other days, just putting on my workout clothes & sneakers gets my body & mind ready to work out.

    I've found giving myself "days off" - days when I know ahead of time I will not work out - helps me stay motivated on the other days.