Hello from the mountains of North Georgia

Hey there.

I'm Dave, 30 years old, and I bought a Fitbit One a month ago and then joined MFP about 20 days ago. I've recently been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea(which I've had for at least 12 years, maybe longer), as well as being about 60 lbs overweight, plus slightly elevated LDL's, borderline hypertension, and was told my pancreas was working rather hard, which could lead to diabetes one day, so I've got some work to do. Also, I want to live longer! I work as a retail store manager, I work about 70 hours a week, so I walk quite a lot in my store already, but I want to add to that and start eating better as well.

The first thing I did, exactly one month ago was kick my Mountain Dew habit completely. I went from drinking at least a half gallon a day of Mountain Dew, to zero. I've been resisting all soft drinks, and have been only drinking water and milk. I've walked 63 miles in the last month, and have been working on my pace and I finally have broken the 15:00 barrier a few days ago, with 3 miles at a sub 14:35! I'm working on watching what I eat, and controlling my portion size better. I went from taking in an estimated 5000+ calories a day to below 3000, averaging around 2400. I've been burning off more than I take in, almost every day.

I've also bought a Withings WS-30 Scale, and have been using it on Monday mornings to weigh in. I was 230 lbs exactly one month ago today, and Monday when I weighed in, I was 213 lbs!

Any support, questions, comments, constructive criticism and/or friend requests would be greatly appreciated.

Take care and have a nice night!!
