A 6 month plateau? Help. please.

Okay so I am 5 feet 4 inches, weighing 211 pounds. I lost around 48 pounds over the course of last year but am stuck on no weight loss zone since the past 6 months.
I joined MFP with the hope of maintaining a food log(my previous weight loss was mainly by cutting out junk and sodas).
I exercise 6 days a week, swimming laps in the
pool for 40 minutes.
I have been keeping the food journal for a month and my food intake is about 1500 calories, as recommended by MFP.

Since January I have lost only 2 pounds or so. So, what should I do folks?
Is this because my exercise is constant throughout and/or my daily calorie intake is not same for all the days? Please help.


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You aren't logging every day, and when you are logging you aren't measuring properly, so you are eating more than you think. You need to log every day honestly and as accurately as possible. Food Scale comes in handy here

    Here's a couple links that should help:


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Without seeing your food diary, it's hard to give you specifics, but if you are not losing weight, it means you are eating at maintenance. You're eating what your body requires to keep operating at the weight you are at. You lost the first fifty by cutting out snacks because your body requires more calories the heavier you are, but now you'll probably have to be more careful with portions. Congrats and well-done on those 50 lbs!

    You not losing has nothing to do with your exercise being the same. You can change your calories up throughout the week, you just have to be at a deficit. (I like to know my calories to lose 1 lb and my maintenance calories, and anywhere in that range works, though if you consistently eat close to maintenance, you won't lose much.) Remember that your calories change as the number on the scale changes.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    accurate and consistent logging of food

    without both of these it is most likely that you are eating more than you think

    weigh everything
    and check all the database entries against your packet before chosing

    is it a drag? yes
    does it take time? yes
    does it work? yes, for me, ymmv

    but without the accuracy and consistency it's very hard for anyone to give you feedback that's more specific