running/keeping to cal limit, to help weight loss?

I am 5'3, 55.5 kg, female and I want to go down to 53kg as my ideal summer weight. My body size ratio is Chest 32", waist 26", and Hips 33"...I want to lose an inch or two over all!

I have started running between 40-50 minutes a day, on 0% Gradient, but between 9-11 KMPH, on a treadmill every day. I do a jog/walk/jog/walk to keep my heart rate up. I managed to get down to 55kg after 4 days of running, but yesterday, even after a 700 Calorie work out (500 in the morning, 200 in the evening) and eating my net calorie of 1300, I went to the cinema and had a pack of pick n mix sweets, which probably took me over 2000 calories! Today I weighed myself and I'm 56.2 again...and I feel like all my week's effort has been in vain, and now I have to do another week to lose that half a kilo! Why is it so much easier for the scales to go up in numbers? I don't even know if I'm eating correctly, sticking to my BMR etc...I am not good with the macro (fat/carbs) counts...but I do eat healthy...I never ever eat fast food, I eat a lot of fruit and veg...I eat mostly grilled only downside is that I love nuts...and sometimes the occasional sweet or chocolate (like last night!) ...

Will I lose weight if I carry on the diet/exercise regime I am on? Sticking to a net calorie of 1300...(Without ruining it with pick and mix of course!) , I would do weights, and I know it's a great way of building muscle and boosting metabolism, but the idea just doesn't appeal to me! Thanks!


  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Ditch the scale and just stick to your goal of losing an inch or two. A day at the theater does not negate a week of work but the scale can and will be all over the place since the body is always changing how much and how little water it keeps in store for you.

    Burn more calories than you eat and get a little exercise and you'll tone up.

    For the exercise part, make sure you don't just do what you do everyday and instead actually push yourself. More than an hour might not be fun but bumping the incline or hitting the elliptical / rowing machine would probably be smart. Your body works hardest when it is doing something new and least when it does the same thing it always does, even if that is running.
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    Thank you! Yea it is very disheartening going on the scales! They are never inaccurate in your favour either!! I will try not to look so that it doesn't discourage me from running every day! Thanks again!
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    When i was doing south beach several of the females couldnt help but look at the scales every single day and ended up regretting it. If you feel the need to look, do so once a week at the same time (roughly). For example just to put in my new weight I do it every sunday morning right after i wake up and use the restroom.
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    Very true...I reckon I do it, because after 4,5 days of hard work and sweat I want to see results...but when nothing has changed...or worse, my weight has gone up after one night of over-indulgence, it is really demotivating!

    When I do see a positive change however, it does make me very chirpy and focused on staying on track! So I don't know...!

    I have done a BMR counter on fat 2 fit tool, in order to drop down to 53kg, and it has given me

    The Harris-Benedict Formula BMR which is 1356 calories
    The Katch-McArdle Forumla which is 1283

    Now those are minor differences, but it adds up in the long run...which is more reliable?

    It also says, based on my information, (Moderately active, with an accurate fat mass included), that I should eat 2062 calories a day!! If I eat that amount every day, I will gain weight! Even after exercise, it just seems too much for my height and weight! I'm so confused!
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    You'd really be surprised what eating too little will do to your weight. I've stuck pretty close to 1200 plus eating what I burn in a day (around 800kcal) and I've been losing weight consistently.

    Also keep in mind that running is hard on your leg muscles - so in order for them to repair themselves they will retain water tremendous amounts of water.

    They're not kidding when they say eating one bad meal won't make you gain weight the same way eating one healthy meal won't make you lose weight. Try not to focus on the day to day and look at the bigger, longer picture.

    Focusing too much on daily fluctuations is sure to derail anyone.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Very true...I reckon I do it, because after 4,5 days of hard work and sweat I want to see results...but when nothing has changed...or worse, my weight has gone up after one night of over-indulgence, it is really demotivating!

    Don't have such a narrow focus. There are many factors that can move the scale 1kg in either direction. Dehydration can make it drop and water retention from eating a large number of carbs/salty food, or water retention for muscle repair can change your weight too. You are what you do most of the time. 1 day of eating badly won't erase a week or two of hard work just like working out 1 day won't erase 2 weeks of bad eating. Stick with the plan long-term.

    If you're doing 45-50 minutes of cardio and you can handle it, try moving your running to first thing in the morning before you eat any food. It is possible to train your body to be more efficient at burning fat for fuel. We're not talking about it making an enormous impact but I do believe there's a slight edge to this. Since you're just looking at dropping 3kg this might be the edge you need to help things along. At any rate it does give you a mental edge on eating when you start off the day with exercise.

    Weight. Apparently you know the pros on this. It's optional of course for losing weight but I suspect you care more about measurements than your weight. In that case I'd recommend adding some into your routine a 2-3 times a week. That's something to think about.
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    Thank you for the message...yea I've been reading a lot about Water retention in the muscles...this is all very new to me you see....I have never had problems with my weight...most of my life I had been at a steady weight of 52/53kg...but I had a very stressful 6 months leading up to and after Christmas (Pet dying, break ups, moving house etc) and my weight dropped in an unhealthy way to 49kg, very quickly, and I think that messed with my system...I've always been a healthy eater, guilty only of the occasional treat or two...but since that sudden drop...I started putting weight back on rapidly...even though I didn't change my diet....and it is now soaring...and seems whatever I eat adds to that...which is why I've started regular exercise...and drinking plenty of water and keeping to a calorie limit which I think is correct (So confusing!) ...with the hope that my metabolism goes back to what it always was! When I drink lots of water a adds to my scale weight and it depresses me...I could go from being 55kg to 56.8 in a matter of a day, when trying to be careful...and when this weight doesn't shift the next morning...I get very disheartened! But I have to make it my goal to not look at the scales and carry on doing what I'm doing with the help of you lovely people!!!