have a deadline for weightloss

So Im on my weight loss journey and wanting to do it all the right way but I've kinda hit a snag. I am going Skydiving on July 19th of this this year (58 days away) and there is a weight limit-I'm not in it. I have already paid for my jump and really wanting to go. So I need to get this weight going. I go kickboxing on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 hour class (on my 4th class-so just getting started) Ive been going to the gym and doing cardio since Feb - try to get in 30-60 minutes there 2 x a week with the kick boxing and trying to eat 1600 calories a day. Im confused with the "net calories", I know this is a subject very much discussed. If I eat my 1600 calories and go kickboxing its giving me back almost 400 calories-so do I eat 2000 those days? I weigh 174 lbs, 5'3 and 30 year old female. I need to get between 150-160 to be able to jump-is it possible to lose min 14 lbs in 58 days?