Any other Hypos out there?



  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Hypothyroid, PCOS and insulin resistance here! I have a great Dr and support at home! With life style changes, including learning to eat to make my body happy, exercise and getting my hormones in order, I am making it happen! Good luck to you and add me if you like!


    Thank you for the response and I feel ya! When you have a great Dr and support at home its so much easier to make those lifestyle changes. I concur 100%!
  • ctricya
    ctricya Posts: 28
    when i talk to my doctor she said to me that i only wanted a excuse to be fat. i went to another doctor and he confirmed that i really have hypo. so went to her and pretty much shoved the test results in her face so....
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    Beautiful (sorry I haven't figured out how to quote!) I'm so happy you found a decent endo. The last one I saw literally laughed in my face and said, "Just be happy you don't have cancer!", and then promptly sent me for an MRI to see if I have pituitary cancer!! A55#o!3!!!

    I'm so sorry! Keep looking, I know it doesn't seem right to have to keep banging on doors so to speak. My Endo works in conjunction with a Naturopath and every time I go in I see both. I was on the verge of just completely taking over my own care.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    So curious, I have heard of Adernal Fatigue but what exactly is that. Sorry if its a stupid question! LOL

    That is absolutely NOT a stupid question! It is a "hotly debated" subject. Here's a link

    *edited, replaced the original link
  • luckyFairy81
    luckyFairy81 Posts: 11 Member

    I want to update on my current status.

    I was diagnosed with Hypo 3 months back. Doctor didn't say anything. he said your TSH is 7.2 ,take this medicine before you get out of the bed and everything will be alright. By that time i gained good 25-30 pounds.

    following below helped me loose decent weight

    for adernal fatigue Take ashwagandha ( i was using this ,you can use any brand you like). This is working i guess . I'm taking this after my dinner. Helps me relax and also helps with my sleep.

    twice in a week take B12

    balanced carb /fat/proetin diet ( do not completely eliminate carbs,that will make havoc ,Just get good carbs ,its important where you get your carbs from )

    try to eliminate added sugars

    dark chocolate at night or snacks ( 20-40gms max)

    upto 2 tbs of natural nuts(brazil nuts/pumpkin seeds)

    add ginger /garlic /coconut oil to your diet.

    soak legs in magnesium salts (epsom salts)

    Vitamin D

    let me know what worked for you guys to loose weight with your hypo
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Me! Since 2001. I've been chasing my levels the past few years. My thyroid is dying a slow death and likes to fight back sometimes. Currently I am at two 112's a day and 3 112's once a week.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, but I did it just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    The advice in this post worked for me:

    MFP has two thyroid groups:
  • BeardedYoung
    BeardedYoung Posts: 229 Member
    Oh... I thought you meant hypochondriac ... I had that covered.
  • twrobbel
    twrobbel Posts: 132 Member
    I have Hashi's- feel free to friend me! I am still trying to figure out the "right" number of calories to lose weight but not go into to big of a deficit, but its only been a month.

    My doctor has not sent me to an endo and is treating it himself, and he does not like to increase my meds (usually another doctor will, like when I have been hospitalized). Last month I had a big swing and was so exhausted for 2 weeks that I literally was sleeping 12-14 hrs a day and still falling asleep at work. I felt like someone was strangling me (thyroid enlarged). Plus I was chilled while working out in 85 degree weather (in the first few minutes- wasn't dehydrated), plus kept my house 10 degrees warmer and was still freezing. Yet- no increase in medication. <sigh>
  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, all! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about five years ago. Like many others, it took a lot of time and effort to get a doctor to take me seriously, and after the diagnosis, I continued to struggle with finding one who would actually listen to me when adjusting my medication, etc. I just want to say that if you are having trouble with your levels and your GP or endo is not helpful, keep looking! I finally found a great endo who helped me finally get my levels in the right range /for me/, and that made a world of difference for my weight loss.

    After getting my meds right (along with taking 5,000IU of Vitamin D a day - I continue to be very deficient despite lot of time spent outdoors), I have dropped weight at a steady rate. When I hit the goals MFP gives me, I seem to lose at a similar rate to someone without hypo. Maybe I'm lucky, but I also haven't found that I need to restrict carbs very much, which many told me hypos have to. I eat a moderate carb diet, both simple and complex, and eat higher carb on days when I do a lot of cardio. Overall, I think it's about finding what works best for you. It's not easy, but it's so worth it! Oh, and anyone who wishes to, feel free to add me. ^^