any twilight fanatics out there?



  • katerinab
    katerinab Posts: 107
    noellabelle - I wanna move in with you til they leave BR! I so badly want to run into Rob Pattinson! I'll take Peter Facinelli, Jackson Rathbone, or Kellan Lutz. Or heck, I'll take 'em all - I'm woman enough! :)
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    I'm kind of a fan- I really enjoyed the books. I just wanted to post because I'm in Baton Rouge and they're filming the movie here apparently. The main characters are staying at Perkins Rowe which is 10 minutes from my house and lots of people I know have spotted them. I'm hoping to bump into them when they're bumming around town at some point :glasses:

    So jealous....good luck!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    me, books have me engrossed regardless how many times i read them!

    team: both on a slice of bread please!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    grr trying to figure out how to post a pic on here lol

    You need to upload your pic to somewhere like (its free) and then copy the code that begins ......... into your post and then change the to lower case(both ends of the code) and it will show then.
  • kattungen
    Me me me! I'm so addicted I write Twilight fiction. I'm Team "Bella should be with Jacob so Edward can be with ME!"

    I'm not planning on dressing up for the midnight showing, but I'll be happy to diet down enough so my butt fits in the movie theater seats LOL

    I'm a fanfic/twi-addict as well. We "fanfic"-girls already have a FWLBG-group, but I'd love to join a Twi-group on here as well! ;)
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Team Carlisle here!
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    Rosalie is soooooooo hot
  • lisafrancis629
    I'm obsessed with Twilight !!!! As you can tell from my ticker, I'm Team Edward. :love: I've only been a fan for 4 months. When Eclipse came out this past June, I thought "maybe I need to read the books and see what all the hoopla is about". Bought Twilight on July 1st cause we were going to the beach and thought it would be a good "beach read". Have been crazy ever since. Own the books, DVD's and board games. As a matter of fact, I'm listening to the audio CD of New Moon in my car now.
  • twilightteamedward
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh EDWARD XXXXXXXXXXXXXX I love the Twilight saga. Hence the user name, lol. Team Edward all the way. Jacob is nice too but eye candy. Edward is deeper and a more complex character. Oh if only I was 20yrs younger!!!!!! Haha.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm also, surprisingly, a "twi-hard fan". I never got what the big deal was...then I read all of the books...w/in a week I think. The books were WAY better than the movies, but I still can't wait for the new movies to come out! Oh, and I'm Team Carlisle :wink: but (book) edward is right up there too...
  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    Team Jacob here.......
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Big Twilight fan right here! When I started reading the first one, at first I didn't see the big deal.. A few days later I picked it up again and ended up pulling an all nighter simply bc i lost track of time and couldn't stop reading! lol.. My fave book is Eclipse. I love hearing about the whole Cullen family and how they each ended up as vamps.. And as far as picking a Team... I think I need to be Team Switzerland b/c as much as I love Edward, I feel like he can be a bit overwhelming, whereas I know if they existed in real life I'd end up picking someone more laid back like Jacob! Either way they're both fantastic to look at haha!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm Team Guy-Who-Almost-Crushed-Bella-With-A-Car. ;)

    I enjoyed the first book, loved the ending of the second book, got bored 1/3 of the way through the third book...and then stopped reading. :laugh: But for the movies, I liked "New Moon" better than "Twilight", and I think that has a lot to do with the changing of directors. Still need to see "Eclipse", though. I find the movies entertaining because I laugh at inappropriate moments - wrong I know - but I do really enjoy seeing the words come off the page and be translated visually onto the silver screen. And the scenery is GOOORRRGEOUS. And I like seeing the cast build out. I wish Evan Rachel Wood had been cast as 'Bella' - I can't stand Kristen Stewart and Catherine Hardwicke had previously worked with Evan on "Thirteen" (along with Nikki Reed), sooooo yeah.

    And while I don't think that Robert Pattinson personifies 'Edward' the way I had envisioned him, I'll let y'all salivate over the fact that I spent a day with him (goodbye hug and all) thanks to my old job. :tongue:

    Good luck, everyone!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Love twilight!

    I've been to Volterra in Italy and stood under the clock tower! lol I know i'm sad :tongue:
  • hollyandfudgemum
    I would love to look like Bella for Breaking Dawn... I fear I will be looking at losing half my bodyweight though... I am sure that is doable in 55 weeks!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh EDWARD XXXXXXXXXXXXXX I love the Twilight saga. Hence the user name, lol. Team Edward all the way. Jacob is nice too but eye candy. Edward is deeper and a more complex character. Oh if only I was 20yrs younger!!!!!! Haha.

    And would stay 20 years younder!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    someone came to our halloween party dressed like victoria, and i told them, 'i am so stealing your idea for next year!' they looked really good too, but they had to use a wig because they are blonde - i'm just going to grow my own hair out long. we went up to visit forks, wa (we live in north carolina, so that's pretty far from us) and had the *best* time driving all through the olympic peninsula - it was gorgeous, and we did not want to leave! we're trying to make plans to go back and spend more time there. and la push beach was just amazing - even more beautiful than described in the books! even if it was not twilight related, it was the most beautiful scenery i've even seen - it even trumped greece and the mediterranean, if you can believe that! and, fyi, before we drove to washington state, we stayed in astoria, or for the 25th anniversary of the goonies! it was pretty cool - i got to meet chunk!

    in forks, we ate at the lodge, which had a whole twilight themed menu (i ordered the esme burger). we also visited bella's house, the cullen's house, the hospital, the sporting goods store where mike and bella work, forks high school, and la push, of course! i got my books stamped with from the official twilight store of forks, too, so that was kind of cool. i actually couldn't stand the movies with the exception of eclipse. i was so excited to finally like one of them! but i *love* the books, so i figure the movies kind of come with the territory just to see how everyone looks on screen - but i'm pretty disappointed in their choice to play siobhan from the irish clan - she's supposed to be hugely overweight - the only overweight character in the whole book! - but they are using a smallish actress. maybe not as skinny as the typical hollywood ideal, but too skinny to be siobhan! oh well...what are you going to do? it's hollywood...
  • ssernst
    ssernst Posts: 69 Member
    I know this is an old post but any fan fic addicts out there? I need some new recs!
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    Team Jasper!!!
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    I LOVED the books, movies are ok but I am impressed how well they hit the major spots in the books. Team Edward without a doubt but Jacob is cuter in the movie LOL.