My Greatest Fear...

When it comes to loosing weight I have a long way to go! I'm down almost 25lbs, but am look at loosing well over 100 before I reach my goal. My greatest fear as the numbers start the fall and the fat starts to dwindle... Loose skin :(

I know it's a common problem and I'm honestly a little terrified that I will all flabby! I'm 22 and in otherwise good health. For those of you who have been there or made your goal after loosing a lot; did this happen to you? Any tips? I'm not into the whole surgery answer and neither is my bank account!


  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Exercise is the answer. Even at my ripe old age of 66, exercise has tightened lots of that loose flapping stuff. Yeah I still have bat wings and a small flap of skin in the belly area but you would not believe how much of it has tightened up since I started losing. Just keep working out and as young as you are, most of it will go away. I promise you. I lost 128 pounds and a few ounces so far so trust me, you have nothing to fear.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    lift lift lift