Needing Advice and Support

Hi! My name is Nellie. I have struggled with my weight for all of my adulthood. I have gained over 150lbs in the past ten years. I understand what I have to do to loose weight but I have no support at home and that makes it very difficult to do it. My husband has gained weight as well probably around 180lbs. We have three kids and I have noticed that the weight is starting to effect my younger two children because they are around us all the time and have developed our eating habits. We have started home schooling due to issues with our public schools in our areas and my kids are less active and are eating the wrong foods. I make the menus and try to make them healthier but we own our own business and some days we are just tired to make a healthy meal so we just get fast food or chips and lunch meat. I say no and we need to quit being lazy and my husband or kids complain and I give in because my husband can be mean if he doesn't get his way when it comes to junk food or pop. I am that way when it comes to pop. I guess what I am asking for is ways to beat the pop cravings and how to help my family to move toward the idea of healthy foods and more activity. I am thirty-five years old and have many medical problems and I don't want to die young but I know if I continue this way that I will and I also know that my husband will soon follow because his eating habits are worse then mine. Please be honest with me. I need some good truthful advice. Please help I am at my end of the rope if something doesn't change this will not only kill me but my family as well. My husband and I are all that our kids have in this world. God bless and Thank you.


  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Your are taking your first step to getting heathier just by this post. You have to realize that only you can make the changes that you need to make and that those changes are a life long journey. The first step that I made was to give up soda. I had been totally addicted to Mtn Dew for 10 for 15 years and would probably drink a 12 pack every couple of days. The only way that I was able to do it was cold turkey. I just decided I was tired of feeling the way I did and i was going to make a change and that was the first change i made. It was not easy and for the first few days it was pretty bad but I did it and so can you. I only drink water now and that helps a lot. I was able to lose the first 20 pounds by just giving up soda. One choice at a time and one day at a time and you can do it! Good Luck!