Yahoo article on Weight Discrimination


Quite the bummer. I hope it can lead to some inspiration.


  • juday3
    juday3 Posts: 78 Member
    Yeah, it is quite the bummer. The comments at the bottom of the article are even more negative. Who cares what society thinks, its about being healthy and happy with your life! In the end all that matters is you and what you care about. Women don't have to be a size 2 to achieve success. Its about will power and determination no matter what your appearance. Thanks for sharing! :)
  • mimere
    mimere Posts: 19
    The linked article on that page about doctor discrimination is the scariest, to me. I read a blog recently about a woman whose Mother died because she avoided Doctors due to how she was treated (for her weight). I didn't go to a doctor for four years after one bad experience.

    Changing our culture will be a lot harder than changing the attitude of healthcare professionals, I think.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'd take most of that stuff with a "grain of salt," relative to some of the claims. I think there is DEFINITELY Discrimination BUT not so much so for "Normal" sized women...Normal sized meaning that size 14-16 or less. There are soooo many prejudices against women, all types of women have their "burden" to bear in our society; Black women are mis-perceived as to "bossy" and aggressive, White women are mis-perceived as "fat" over a size 10 or "dumb" if they are blond, Asian women are mis-perceived as subservient...All women are told if they don't have SOME TYPE of Man by the time they are 30 y.o they won't "get one" and will be unhappy for the rest of our lives. There are prejudices and discrimination against women based on weight and OTHER things; but WEIGHT is ONE of the things that YOU/The Individual can CONTROL! ALL I can say is Handle Your Business!

    DON'T allow prejudices or discrimination to BUMB you out...SHYT Fight Back! GET HEALTHY!

    My GOD, I just wish they would put all this bull**** research into REAL HEALTH Research for women!!!
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Wow... interesting article, and the comments that followed were even moresoe. Lots of opinions all around... It actually did inspire me a little because I'm so tired of being fat, and I do think that being fat is holding me back in a lot of things, especially my career, because I don't have a lot of self-confidence because I'm so disgusted with myself.