Some leg workouts to do for injured knee?

Aihs808 Posts: 19 Member
I have runner's knee or something like that and I've been experiencing pain in my knee when lift things, sit too long, and bend it too much. It gets better every now and then. On and off for maybe two months. I think I got it from weight lifting but I'm not sure. I need to do leg exercises but they all hurt because I have to put weight on my knee. Do you know of any leg workouts to do that don't put too much pressure on my knee? Also, do you have any idea how to make the pain go away?? I appreciate it!


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    What did your PT say to do?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Sounds like patellar tendinitis. What usually helps is if you really warm up the knee well before lifting. So treadmill walking, elliptical, stationary bike on low intensity, etc.
    I ALWAYS start my clients on leg extensions or frogs squats before any weight squats, leg presses or lunges, so their knees get some moderate resistance on them.
    You can also get knee sleeves that help to support the knee and keep it warm while you work on strengthening the area.
    If it really persists, you may just have to lay off for awhile till the inflammation resides.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    Go see a physio to find out exactly what is wrong, they will also be able to give you suitable rehab exercises. A someone with a knee injury that's been dragging since December last year (not running induced, but it has kept me off the roads ever since) I think this is key.

    In the meantime swimming and cycling (maybe) are good choices for low/no impact workouts and you can come back to heavy lifting when your knee is better. Personally I also find spending time in saunas or soaking in a hot bath with epsom salts help with the pain.
  • sjs227
    sjs227 Posts: 428 Member
    I have arthritis and had tears in both knees. Go to PT and find out what they allow. Stationary bike is good, but resistance etc should be approved by PT first. Me personally, I avoid lunges at all costs.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    well being as you don`t know what you have or what caused it - it will be very difficult for anyone to help you - You should see a doctor and get a diagnosis and medical advice

    I use to get knee pain from IT band issues - side leg lifts solved the issue for me
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I use to run 3 miles a day, 5 times a week, and barely stretched. Went to see the doc about knee pain that was minor, and getting slightly worse every time I worked out. Eventually I couldn't even run. I thought I tore something in my knee.

    He said, do you stretch?, if you don't, the knee pain is probably caused by your hammies shortening. They and the quads criss cross around the knee.

    The fix is bend over, touch your toes and hold.

    3 - thirty second holds- 3 times a day - for one week - should relieve all the pain. Take some IB profen too since your probably have some minor inflammation.

    I felt like a dumb a*s and it worked.