How has weightless (positively) affected your life?

I've noticed a few things that have changed in my life during my weight-loss journey.

1: My nails and hair look more healthy and are growing like weeds! (YAY!)
2: I'm more confident with fashion and expressing myself through clothes (no more baggy black tops and jeans! Good riddance old Friends, Hello lacey Bodycon dress!)
3: 500% better sex. (You know this is true, the confidence and better cardiovascular health make boinking amazing!)
4: The food is so much better! Why did I ever like KFC?
5: The energy!
6: I enjoy nature so much more now :)
7: ?? - To be continued!

What have you noticed? :D

EDIT: Sorry for the TYPO in the title. I have a very energetic toddler making life a little bit of a personal hell right now! Aha.


  • KassandraBBB
    KassandraBBB Posts: 8 Member
    1. Agree 100% with better sex, which leads me to my next point...
    2. Made me fertile! (Had a son)
    3. I can move again
    4. Stairs are no longer my enemy
    5. Confidence has increased (ish)

    But the negative is that Im so much more self-conscious of myself and paranoid that I obsess over my weight and hate myself if I eat junk. Makes me feel worthless, like a slob with no self control..
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    1. Fit into sizes I've never worn in my adult life
    2. Cuter clothes.
    3. More energy.
    4. Enjoy being outdoors more.
    5. Ability to actually play with my kid
    6. More active.
    7. More adventurous with my food, and I appreciate it more
    8. Got my periods back, and they became regular
    9. Sex is much better!
    10. Just found out I'm pregnant (planned, lol!)
    11. More confidence.
    12. Happier.
    12. Healthier.