What clothes will you buy when you're at your target weight?

Hi al! :)

Let's talk about clothes!

You've been losing weight, or gaining weight if that was your goal, and (imagine) you're almost done. Probably you've postponed buying clothes until you are done.

Let me tell you, I have! For many months I've been living with only two pairs of jeans and a handful of shirts, that all seem to become bigger and bigger as I keep losing weight! I manage to wear clean clothing every day, but you can imagine how well I have to schedule my laundry!

Anyways, now it's almost time, time to buy new clothes! A much smaller (or depending on your goal, larger) size. Who knows, perhaps a new style. What will you buy?

As for me, I will get rid of 95% of my clothes (I'll donate them to charity) and buy myself:
- 2 good pairs of quality, well fitting jeans.
- 1 pair of khaki pants
- about 3-5 t-shirts.
- about 3-5 shirts (squares, white, color)
- 1 nice sports jacket
- 1 new belt (I had to make a lot of new holes in my current belt)
- 1 pair of shoes
- a bunch of new boxer shorts
- a new suit
- a new woolen sweater
- a jacket

I won't buy everything at once - I'll first wait for some discount until I buy the essentials, then I wait for the big discount to buy the rest! The clothes are a reward for the hard work, but I also think it's important to be smart with my money. I do want to buy quality clothing in a style that I really like (I'll figure out what that is later), so I'm also not going to minimize the costs.

So, that's a lot of details. Curious what you think about it and what's on your list! :)


PS: perhaps some context could be interesting... I'm a 27 year old student, almost graduating and preparing to enter the job market. That may help clarify my choices of clothing! I'm also a minimalist, which is why I want my wardrobe to stay small.


  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    Really soft cotton strechy dresses like a couple I used to have that made me feel so pretty. I think now theyre called bodycon dresses? They were super fitted, bright and feminine, straight out of Malibu Barbie's closet. I want some cute cutoff jeans shorts and a cool pair of galaxy Black Milk leggings (and the mermaid ones too because hello?). A skater skirt or two and I am also so ready to start a collection of knitted knee-highs and thigh-highs. Watch out world! Lol
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    A tailored suit.
  • FatCatsRule
    FatCatsRule Posts: 37
    Lingerie. =)
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I've been planning it out since I started, ha ha!

    Here's my list:
    - 1 pair of high-quality jeans (like, actual brand name jeans versus the Bluenotes stuff I usually buy) (maybe 2 different styles)
    - fitted long sleeve shirt
    - fitted Cirque du Soleil shirt
    - vest (to be worn cas + at the office)
    - little black dress
    - 1 pair well-fitting dress pants + flattering top
    - 7" inseam compression shorts with pockets (reward hard work with tools for even more good hard work)
    - Beast Mode sweat-activated tank top (sounds gross, but look it up: http://www.viewsport.us/collections/women/products/women-s-viewsport-beast-mode-racerback-tank-many-colors-available)
    - A knight hoodie from that lady on Etsy

    Until then, though, I'm a bit fortunate. I've just started my first office job, so I have two dress pants I can rotate that work with each of the 5+ tops I have in addition to blazers. Plus, I've only held on to tops that are meant to be loose hanging, so they'll only look a bit looser as I continue losing. Worst case, I can add a belt! It'd be thrilling, as I've never had to add a belt on before. >w<
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I have been looking at clothes a LOT recently, dying for some cute new summer-y things! Gotta wait for now, though.

    Basically, I just want to buy a ton of cute clothes. I'm looking forward to nothing fitting and needing a new wardrobe!

    Already been buying some cute shoes, as I don't foresee a ton of weight loss in my feet just yet.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Dresses, skirts, cute socks, sandals, etc... I will buy all the things I find pretty, well that I can afford. My style is pretty out there, but eh, when I reach my UWG, I plan to be all me. ^_^
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Hopefully I won't have to buy new clothes, cuz my goal weight would be fitting into all my fabulous ones I have waiting for me, but some of the ones I'm looking forward to fitting into again:

    Favorite pair of jeans that have cool rhinestones & lace patches on them
    Velvet LBD
    These absolutely freakishly amazing pair of holographic leather pants
    All my tank tops - I want to look good in them. :)
  • Kakeslyn
    Kakeslyn Posts: 129 Member
    I'm planning a Modcloth spree... it will probably take me a couple months to save up the money required for it anyway!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    That sounds like a great wardrobe. Good luck in your goals!:flowerforyou:
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    So many things - I have refused to keep buying bigger sizes so at this point I have only a handful of things that actually fit me.

    Jeans - comfy, low rise
    Bras and underwear
    Dresses - including at least one LBD
    Pants with zippers and buttons instead of just elastic :-/
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I feel like the past year I've just been constantly buying clothes over and over as I change sizes. I'm getting pretty close to my target weight, and I will keep buying new stuff as I go of course but I think I will wait until I have successfully maintained for a couple of seasons before I go crazy with purchases.

    That said, I'd like to splurge on a VERY nice coat, great jeans, and probably a few really nice sweaters that I will have for years. Up to this point I have mainly stuck with clearance, secondhand, and budget brands for higher priced items like coats and I kind of miss the feeling of splurging on the "perfect" item...I used to do that when I was a size 22 for years and years because I knew stuff would stick around. But now that I have no clue if I'll still be in the 12-14 range or maybe even 8/10 by next winter, it's kind of impractical to me to spend a lot right now.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I hit my goal size and few weeks ago and have been slowly building up a new wardrobe and donating the old. (by means of a couple articles of clothing a week with coupons)

    So far it has been about 4 pairs of shorts (denim, and khaki)
    6 or so new cotton t-shirts (in a size small *happy dance*)
    2 summery sun dresses
    3 blouses (the three F's: floral, feminine, and flowy with plenty of lace *this describes most of my clothes*)
    2 pairs of size 8 jeans
    4 skirts (following the three F's mentioned above) lol

    I was really glad to be a member of the JCPenny credit card lately lol. Their coupons and deals have saved my budget!
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Shorts, shorts, and more shorts! (I haven't worn a pair of shorts above the knee for 10+ years.)

    Oh...and a pair of white linen pants!
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    I'm planning a Modcloth spree... it will probably take me a couple months to save up the money required for it anyway!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    All I know is I want a pair of really awesome jeans , no matter what the cost. I am looking forward to looking good in my jeans .
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    Since my chest is getting smaller, I look forward to buying some tank tops for these hot summers without feeling quite so exposed. I'd also like to buy more shorts and a couple of pairs of great jeans.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    I want to buy some "fun" things for a change, including some awesome knee-high boots once my legs are thinner. New bathing suits (maybe a bikini) too, of course!

    And then there's my running wardrobe. I'm tired of making do with old worn-out sports bras and running tights from "back in the day." It's only by virtue of their being old, stretched out spandex that they still (kinda) fit...I want new everything. :):):)
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Haven't really planned on anything specific but would love some really nice jeans and some sweaters that can be worn loose or belted and some fitted. Just really want some gorgeous clothes! I love clothes shopping at pretty much any size, in fact just bought some new stuff in current and one smaller size.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    "nice" bras from VS. loose fitting wide legged pants made from anything besides denim or black, office, material. Linen, Cotton, etc and not worry about a wed spot on my bum.

    A ski jacket in a normal size that closes over my bubble butt. It's crazy but all my mass is below my bust and above my butt. It's all "dangerous" fat close to my heart. Stupid mid-section. It used to be so nice.

    OMG and a wide belt so I can fake having a waist.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    A bikini!