Random topic: Grocery Bill



  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    It runs about $160 a week for my family of 5 (and two cats) when I don't have to buy a bunch of non-food items (laundry soap, etc). This is for all meals from home, so no eating out.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Jesus that's more than my monthly paycheck.
    $100 a month, a bit more every now and then

    All fresh, all organic and I go to pricesmart to buy a couple of basics.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    That does seem kind of high. But for just me (and BF eats with me on weekends where I tend to insist we cook rather than go out) I spend roughly $300/month (including paper products and such). I do not shop sales unless I see something marked down that I could use that week. I would rather pay more to get the quality and taste I like vs buying cheaper versions of things. ex: I prefer buying fresh meat and seafood myself because it tastes better. Meat definitely makes my grocery bill go up, but I buy a bunch at once and that tends to last about a month.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I have two adult sons at home (21 and 20, who can really eat, love snacks and steak) and a big dog. Our grocery bill (including food, paper goods, pet supplies, toiletries etc) runs about $100 a week. But I coupon and if I didn't it would be twice that.

    I mainly shop at Harris Teeter (who doubles coupons up to 99 cents everyday and sometimes more, plus they run all kinds of B2G3 free etc) and Target (who lets you use their coupon, a manufacturers coupon and the cartwheel and redcard, plus my eldest works there and gets another 10 percent off).
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    We drop about $600 when we do out main shopping each month.

    We probably drop another $250 at Farmer's Market and other side trips to the store.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I guess I fall into the "higher" category. I budget $200 a week for groceries and household supplies for 2 adults, a 5 year old who eats like a teen, a dog and cat. Most weeks I am under, but some weeks I go over a little. I buy meat in bulk packs and freeze the extra. Fruit adds up quickly for us since we can go through about 10 lbs of it a week. I think my average cost is closer to $150/week, but I budget that extra just to know I have the cash available when I hit a high weekend (usually getting pet food).
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    You know, I have no idea how much I spend on groceries for myself. I've never really thought into keeping track. I do eat a lot of junkfood, though..
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    You know, I have no idea how much I spend on groceries for myself. I've never really thought into keeping track. I do eat a lot of junkfood, though..

    I started doing grocery shopping when I realized almost half my paycheck was being eaten up in junk food.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    We are a family of 6 and spend about 150.00 a week including food, toiletries, diapers ect.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Jesus that's more than my monthly paycheck.
    $100 a month, a bit more every now and then

    All fresh, all organic and I go to pricesmart to buy a couple of basics.

    WTH are you eating for 100$ a month?

    I go it's consistently 45-75$ a week. Which at best is 200 a month- at worst 300 and change depending on toiletries.

    I mean I'm not stingy- but I'm not a big extra's person- I buy the same stuff religiously- chicken- veggies- ice cream- eggs bacon and milk.

    I only buy beer once every two months and I'll skip things if they aren't a good price.
    I couldn't imagine eating on 100 a month! I'm impressed!!!!
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    Family of 5. Husband, me 10yo, 13 yo and 16yo (going on 17). 2 girls 17yo is the boy. Who after he eats will taunt me an hour later tellimg me he's hungry what do we got. Anyway live in Illinois. Ya BOO HISS!! Groceries are about $1000 a month easily. Including all my health food, toiletries and other stuff. I do the meal planning for 2 weeks and Im lucky if I step out of a store for less than $300. That doesnt include running to Fresh Market or Hyvee for my health food stuff which can run another $100 every 2 weeks. I shop at Walmart its the lowest here. Grocery stores here are 2x the price and thats on sale! Ticks me off!
  • mscleo1115
    mscleo1115 Posts: 42 Member
    That sounds about right. I have a family of 3 (husband, toddler son, and myself) and we spend an average of $160 - $200 per week on food and we polish it off completely.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It's usually right at $310 per month for myself, and my daughter, and my boyfriend eats over about three nights a week, and he eats a ton of food.

    My goal is $250 and the closest I've got to it all year was $275, at which point I took my family to a restaurant to celebrate and knocked the bill back up to $310.

    Love these threads~!

    I live in Norman, OK!


    This does not include Personal Care items or Household Goods items.

    So far this year I've averaged $71.75 toward Household Goods (litter, cleaning supplies, decor, etc..) and $83.93 for Personal Care which isn't too bad because it includes all clothing, salon trips, soaps, etc for both my daughter and I.

    I spent an average of $59.91 per month on booze. :-)
  • NahrasWay
    NahrasWay Posts: 78 Member
    My boyfriend and I spend about $50 a week on groceries give or take. IF we had a kid I would estimate maybe another $100 on top of that since they need food to grow. Over $600 seems excessive to me. The Vons here is very expensive compared to some of the other stores we have. We have a place called FoodMaxx (Also Food4Less) where we get the bulk of our food and is basically a discount supermarket. We buy their brand of items which are usually much cheaper than the name brand stuff. We are also lucky and live near a supermarket called Vallarta which gives incredible deals on fruits/veggies every week. Like this week we got 5# of onions for a $1 (which will probably last us 2 weeks) .. 3# of carrots for $1 .. 3# of roma tomatoes for $1 .. and there were a few other deals like that as well and it changes (usually) each week so we are able to get a good variety.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Jesus that's more than my monthly paycheck.
    $100 a month, a bit more every now and then

    All fresh, all organic and I go to pricesmart to buy a couple of basics.

    WTH are you eating for 100$ a month?

    I go it's consistently 45-75$ a week. Which at best is 200 a month- at worst 300 and change depending on toiletries.

    I mean I'm not stingy- but I'm not a big extra's person- I buy the same stuff religiously- chicken- veggies- ice cream- eggs bacon and milk.

    I only buy beer once every two months and I'll skip things if they aren't a good price.
    I couldn't imagine eating on 100 a month! I'm impressed!!!!

    The benefits of being in Guatemala lol :bigsmile:
    We buy groceries for 5-6, a ton of cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

    All fresh food and toiletries.
    Junk food is kind of expensive and not that impressive.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    Ok, I should have specified this is including household items such as papertowels and what not.
  • carleighsmama
    carleighsmama Posts: 29 Member
    We are a family of four. Me, husband, 4 year old, and two month old. I spend between $150-$200 every two weeks. I'm an active sale shopper and use coupons. Most of our groceries come from the other areas of the grocery stores (produce, deli, meat, dairy, etc...)
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    $75 per week for me and my two sons. This includes everything except school lunches which is another $20. We eat meat once per week and the rest of our meals are vegan or vegetarian.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Ya. We spend about that. Me, hubby and our 4 year old who hardly eats. Maybe even a bit more now that I try to eat a bit healthier. Kraft dinner and weiners was soo much cheaper!