Crohn's Disease and gaining back weight!?

My boyfriend has Chrons and has lost a tremendous amount of weight because of it, he is a labour worker so he's always active and he is very strong and physically able, however it seems no matter how much he eats he cannot gain any weight.
I was wondering if a mass gainer or protein powder would be a good choice for him, and if so does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advanced!


  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    My brother-in-law was the same way. It runs on their side of the family. Medication was the only thing that helped him. His best hope will be medical intervention. Remember it's a problem with nutrient and calorie absorption in the intestines, so just shoving more calories in doesn't help remedy the source of the problem if the extra calories can't be absorbed to begin with.
  • ZoroDUssop
    ZoroDUssop Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry should have mentioned he is currently being medically treated for it but when we asked his specialist about gaining back weight he replied with " don't worry you won't gain any back" ... Even though he wants the weight back.
  • ZoroDUssop
    ZoroDUssop Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry should have mentioned he is currently being medically treated for it but when we asked his specialist about gaining back weight he replied with " don't worry you won't gain any back" ... Even though he wants the weight back.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    My husband has Crohn's. He's had it for 30 years or so.

    He lost a ton of weight at first then eventually he gained some back. There are two things that will help him gain weight and it will not cause a Crohn's attack. 1. Olive oil and 2. Coconut oil. Cook with it. Put it in anything. He will gain his weight back and have more energy.

    Good luck :smile:
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Smalls meals perhaps throughout the day. . . .Nut butters, avocados, salmon, sardines, avocados, mangos, hummus, But mostly it is trial and error as it can vary . Are his Vit b 12 levels good?
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    I have Crohn's and I'm very very active. The only way I can maintain a decent weight and muscle mass is to eat as much "good" fat as possible. Nuts, avocado, coconut (flesh, oil or mana), hemp, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cold pressed hemp/nut oil etc. Anything with heated or heavily processed oils in sets my tummy off good and proper.

    Protein wise, how does he react to dairy? It sets me off so I can't use it. Might be worth trying whey tentatively because it might not agree with him, I wouldn't recommend buying a big tub that's for sure! I like the sunwarrior blended protein, made from rice/peas/cranberry etc, no whey. If he does decide to go down the shake route then a great shake both in terms of calorific content and not upsetting my tummy is 1 scoop sunwarrior blend in vanilla, two bananas, two large dates and a generous tablespoon of coconut mana. Delicious and very fast assuming you have a basic blender.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I have crohn's and I have the opposite problem. Prednisone put 70 pounds on me, and I can't get it to budge. It just seems like we can't find a happy medium.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    I have been diagnosed with Crohn's, but getting a 2nd opinion for verification because Flagyl seems to have cured me of my trigger foods.

    What has helped me, besides TRT (T. cyp.), was lots of bananas, protein (eggs, meat, etc.), olive oil, coconut oil, nut butters (natural peanut butter as anything with sugar set me off), egg drop soup, and dried fruit without sugar.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    He just has to talk to his doctor and see what he is able to digest without issue...... I watched someone go from EXTRA LARGE to skinny minnie in just a couple of months because of Chron's. Good luck to your bf.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    He just has to talk to his doctor and see what he is able to digest without issue...... I watched someone go from EXTRA LARGE to skinny minnie in just a couple of months because of Chron's. Good luck to your bf.

    While I agree with talking to his doctor and seeing what the doc recommends. In my case my GI gave me the statement, just find what works, Crohn's is such a personal disease. Even the nurses were of no help. So I can empathize with the OP's plight to search something which will help her bf.
  • macelmer
    macelmer Posts: 55 Member
    I suffer from severe CD for the better part of my adulthood and I am constantly struggling to both gain and maintain my weight. It can be difficult sometimes, especially when you have food intolerances, like dairy or fresh veggies. I use MFP as a food diary of sorts, it helps me to keep track of the foods I eat, the calories in foods and especially my fiber intake. I personally like to drink my calories if I am in gaining mode. Perhaps try Ensure, if he can handle it, or shakes made from almond/soy milk and lactose free weight gainers.

    I eat when I am hungry, if that means once an hour, then I do it. I also eat food that tastes good (and are well tolerated). Sometimes you have to pick and choose the foods you eat, as opposed to all foods that are supposed to be "good" for you as these cause intestinal distress.

    If all else fails, contact a dietician that has experience in IBD for an evaluation and guidance.