What Are You Prepared to Do?

After reading a few post today, I got to thinking. Yes I'm in thinking mode again :smile: !!!!! Anyways, I realized that some of us are sooooo close to reaching our goal that we can taste it and it taste really good.

We all have the same goals when it comes to weight loss. We want to lose weight and lose weight fast. To achieve this goal we sacrifice time, sleep and money if you believe it or not. Buying supplements starts to add up after awhile. But the most important thing we sacrifice is our bodies. We sometimes push our bodies to the limits. We believe that the only way to do this is to go all out, no holds bar. Yes, sometimes thats the only way to do things to get the results we want. That applies to most things we do in life.

Ask yourself this question? Now that the weight is off, what are you prepared to do next? Our journey has been a struggle especially for the ones with very busy schedules. Through it all, the promise of a healthier and more beautiful body gave us the motivation we needed to pull through all the ups and downs. We can now yell "We Did It"!!! Through all the strenuous exercises, " We FINALLY Did It".

So I ask again, what are you prepared to do next? Realistically speaking, some of us found it so hard that we almost gave up, I, myself included. But here we are standing victorious, so now what are we prepared to do to maintain all we have worked so hard for? Will your current workout regimen be your post workout regimen? Have you found natural resources for the supplements you now take? Do you have meal ideas that you are happy to eat and will be satisfied with after eating it. Do you have a backup plan for the days you are unable to make it to the gym? I ask this question because for some of us, what we do now is a temporary fix. I don't want any of us to end back up where we started from.

If you haven't already done so, I think now is a good time to think about what you are prepared to do to keep the weight off. Sometimes we have to think about tomorrow eventhough its not promised to us.

Ok I may have been rambling, sometimes I tend to do that, but I really think its something worth giving a second thought to.

Have a wonderful day! :drinker: :flowerforyou:


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have spent more money in the last 2 months than I have in over a year just to support my goals and monitoring my activity.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have spent more money in the last 2 months than I have in over a year just to support my goals and monitoring my activity.
    What he said!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I truly hope to maintain my weight and this lifestyle once I attain my goal. I selected a sustainable "diet" which I love, and is producing results.

    I won't need to continue seeing a personal trainer, but I plan to continue my 4 times per week hardcore workouts, and 2 one-hour walks on other days...

    If all goes my way, I'll be an air force JAG officer, and will be required to keep up my fitness. I'm game!

    Thanks for the challenging thought! :-)
  • allywe
    allywe Posts: 3
    Right now I'm training for my first half marathon, and if I take it as far as I'm planning, by this time next year I will run in the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. This means, shoes, entrance fees, healthy food, and MILES MILES MILES. It's worth it though. I've found something that totally motivates me to get up in the morning and move. Some days suck, and some days I feel like I've discovered some kind of secret magic. Either way, I'm willing to push, and get a little crazy.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Once my year is up with my personal trainer I should be at or very close to my goal weight. At that time I plan on joining team in training for either a half marathon or century bike ride. My trainer has become one of my friends so I know if she doesn't see me at the gym or sees me gaining weight again she will get on me. Also just because I am at my goal weight doesn't mean that I won't log what I eat and weigh myself atleast every other week to make sure I am not going backwards. I do not want to return to where I was before and I am determined not to.
  • toya860
    toya860 Posts: 18 Member
    I never want to go back to the unhealthy me, so I do plan on making these changes I've made permanent! I will plan a maintenance program and stick to it. I feel like working out is a part of my life now. And even when I reach my goal, I will maintain my healthy eating habits. No more half a large pizzas or big ole family size bag of chips in my future! Excellent post!
    :drinker: (water)
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    Good question! I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've lost about 45 lbs, and I think I need to lose about another 15. I'm working on how I will gradually change things for maintenance. I'm going to very slowly increase my calories while also changing my exercise a little. My thought for now is that I will still do at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3 times a week, strength training at least 2 times a week and I would like to do yoga at least 2 times a week eventually increasing that to 5 or 6 days a week. But, my plan may change a bit as I get closer. Oh, I also plan to continue weighing myself everyday and logging all my food and exercise for at least 6 months after reaching my goal, and then for the next 6 months I may not be quite so obsessive about logging, but we'll see. I guess it will depend on how well I do not logging everything.
  • clbiggins83
    clbiggins83 Posts: 39 Member
    This is a very good post and one that I believe will stick with me. I am no way near close but have to start thinking about my maintenance now. Thank you for sharing.... I am 92 lbs away and will feel better answering then... Congrats to all of your on your weight loss!