what am I Doing wrong? not losing weight.

Greetings everyone,

First of all pardon my poor English.

So i got fitbit Flex and start getting serious about what i eat and working out especially that I'm done with my Grad School "yay for me!". I go to GYM like six times a week and workout really hard for one hour or so. in addition, I walk at least 6km everyday.

Today my fitbit reads are 20147 steps and 14.4km. my weight is 224lb i'm trying really hard to lose two pounds every week at least , and this is the goal i set in MFPL. MFPL suggest me to eat 1440 calories everyday.

I know that this question had been asked over and over "Should i eat the calories i burned? and the answer is yes" but I'm questioning this statement. How much should i eat? since the past 10 days i didn't lose any weight not even half pound!

this is MFPL reads for today


and this is my fitbit reads


so what am I doing wrong? I eat back what i burned as much as I can I workout and yet I'm not losing weight?

any suggestion or tip will be appreciated =)

Thank You everyone.


  • AnnBassham
    AnnBassham Posts: 31 Member
    I don't eat my calories burned. My wellness coordinator at work told me to lose some weight with diet and some with exercise. She advised that as I increase my exercise my body will get used to those calories and want them even on the days I don't exercise. I do make sure I meet my nutritional requirements and eat the goal calories.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Scroll to the bottom of this page that way we can see what you're logging:

  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    You should be eating back your exercise calories from your fitbit, the adjustment is the point of merging it with MFP. HOWEVER, your fitbit display shows a lot of green steps, which mean it thinks you're running/walking very briskly. To me, I'd look at adjusting your stride in the fitbit website, otherwise it'll overestimate your calorie burn and potentially slow/stall your weight loss.