How long does it take for the body to adapt to a new diet?

Sorry if this thread has been done before! I recently went travelling for four months where i survived on rice, bread and vegetables! Before going my weight never changed no matter how little/much I ate. However, since coming back to the rich English diet I have gained half a stone and am constantly bloated (perfectly in time for summer yay -.-). My Dr thinks that my body will take a few more months to readjust (already been back for two) and once It does that my weight and bloating should go back to normal. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Also to top it off I think the rice i ate has expanded my stomach...appetite is at an all time high and it's so hard not to eat everything in sight!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    weight loss comes from a calorie deficit.

    If when you were travelling you ate bread, rice and veggies and never changed you ate at maintenance and now that you are back you are eating at a surplus.