Rob Nevins Skinny Switch?

I had a member come in this morning and ask me about my thoughts on the Rob Nevins Skinny Switch. Apparently, one of the morning news guys is doing this plan and apparently he also talks at Whole Foods quite a lot. I had never heard of him before. I seareched around online for more information, but there isn't a ton of helpful information other than trying to sell you his plan. I did find some scam complaints and such when I googled it.

Has anyone actually heard of/ tried this program? It doesn't say anything about having a RD writing out these meal plans, so where is the scope of practice? Does this guy have any sort of credentials? I can't find any....

Personally, I wouldn't bother wasting my money but I've had a couple members asking about it and I'd like to have some information to offer them on the topic.
