Can too much fruit make you GAIN weight?

curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
So my scale is going back up insead of down and I'm getting frustrated. I eat more fruit now that summers coming. I figured fresh fruit is better than donuts, cookies, or any junk food. It was suggested to me that maybe I'm eating too much fruit and maybe that's what's causing me to gain weight. (I've lost 40 pounds but gained back 10 in the past 5 weeks!~) I eat a few pieces a day usually. Could the fruits be what is making me gain weght even though I'm still counting my calories, staying under, and exercising? (I do Insanity now but am going to switch it up to go back to running and lifting for a while. if it matters.) Any help you can give me would be great! Thanks! :)


  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Yeah too much anything will make you gain weight. (Too much over your calorie goal)
    If those fruits were in your calorie goal you will lose weight.

    Are you weighing your food?

    This cleared up a lot when it came it came to logging my food:
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    That depends on how many calories you are eating. If you are eating over your TDEE then you will gain weight, whether the calories are from candy or fuit or vegetables.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Too much anything will make you gain weight.
    However, fruit is high fiber, and has a lot of water.
    It is more difficult to overeat on apples and oranges than it is on cheese and burgers and chocolate.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Yeah too much anything will make you gain weight. (Too much over your calorie goal)
    If those fruits were in your calorie goal you will lose weight.

    Are you weighing your food?

    This cleared up a lot when it came it came to logging my food:

    yes I weigh my food, and I'm usually not over for my calories
  • SaraBL15
    SaraBL15 Posts: 7 Member
    That is the reason I left Weight Watchers. In their plan, fruits and vegetables are zero "Points Plus." But that was most of my diet. So, like the others on this string said, it comes down to calories and counting them. I also work at Mayo Clinic and was talking with an endocrinologist who gives talks about the QUALITY of your food. Better to eat a 100 calorie apple than a 100 calorie snack pack. But you're smart enough to know that. So keep eating the fruits and vegetables ... just count them. My summer "mindless eating" is grapes! Easy to eat a cup of those in a few minutes, but too many can be high in calories. Good luck to us summer fruit lovers!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    So my scale is going back up insead of down and I'm getting frustrated. I eat more fruit now that summers coming. I figured fresh fruit is better than donuts, cookies, or any junk food. It was suggested to me that maybe I'm eating too much fruit and maybe that's what's causing me to gain weight. (I've lost 40 pounds but gained back 10 in the past 5 weeks!~) I eat a few pieces a day usually. Could the fruits be what is making me gain weght even though I'm still counting my calories, staying under, and exercising? (I do Insanity now but am going to switch it up to go back to running and lifting for a while. if it matters.) Any help you can give me would be great! Thanks! :)

    Fruit isn't the culprit. You are possibly just eating too many calories.

    If you aren't aware of how much fruit you are eating, it can in fact, add up. Especially if you are snacking throughout the day on it, kind of mindlessly.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm wondering if maybe you're holding more water weight, partially because now you're eating more foods with a high percentage of water in them. How much water do you drink in a day? If you're drinking more than you were before when you lost the 40 pounds, it's possible that your body is currently just holding that extra water weight. From what I've read it can take up to six weeks for your body to adjust and to drop it
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    That is the reason I left Weight Watchers. In their plan, fruits and vegetables are zero "Points Plus." But that was most of my diet. So, like the others on this string said, it comes down to calories and counting them. I also work at Mayo Clinic and was talking with an endocrinologist who gives talks about the QUALITY of your food. Better to eat a 100 calorie apple than a 100 calorie snack pack. But you're smart enough to know that. So keep eating the fruits and vegetables ... just count them. My summer "mindless eating" is grapes! Easy to eat a cup of those in a few minutes, but too many can be high in calories. Good luck to us summer fruit lovers!

    I do count them.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm wondering if maybe you're holding more water weight, partially because now you're eating more foods with a high percentage of water in them. How much water do you drink in a day? If you're drinking more than you were before when you lost the 40 pounds, it's possible that your body is currently just holding that extra water weight. From what I've read it can take up to six weeks for your body to adjust and to drop it

    I don't think it's water weight...I'm on Lasix (a diuretic) three times a day for my brain tumor. It's used to force water out of me so I don't have it build up inside my I'm contantly in the bathroom. lol
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    So my scale is going back up insead of down and I'm getting frustrated. I eat more fruit now that summers coming. I figured fresh fruit is better than donuts, cookies, or any junk food. It was suggested to me that maybe I'm eating too much fruit and maybe that's what's causing me to gain weight. (I've lost 40 pounds but gained back 10 in the past 5 weeks!~) I eat a few pieces a day usually. Could the fruits be what is making me gain weght even though I'm still counting my calories, staying under, and exercising? (I do Insanity now but am going to switch it up to go back to running and lifting for a while. if it matters.) Any help you can give me would be great! Thanks! :)

    If you've been accurately logging your calories and not going over, then you shouldn't have gained 10 pounds in 5 weeks. You might be taking in more calories than you realize or burning less that you're estimating. While fruits do have calories, they're also packed with nutrients, fiber, and are fairly filling too. So I doubt they're the main culprit.