Just thought I'd ask...

SarahBearah Posts: 5 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I've been on MFP since March of this year. I am 21 years old. I have never been over weight, but was looking to become more fit and leaner. Since then I lost 10 lbs, and became a weight that I hadn't been since 9th grade. Now I feel that I am floundering between the weight I was and the lost 10 lbs.

Sometimes I find it hard to be 21 and to be fit. There's times I want to just enjoy myself and eat (I am a cook :( )what I want or have more than a drink, and when I don't have the calories to do all of that, I get really frustrated. Sometimes I just eat more because I get annoyed. Is this normal?? lol. Sometimes I think I'm just a pig and I should just give in. At times watching what I eat makes me upset about my body image.....

Hope this makes sense. Any thoughts?


  • SarahBearah
    SarahBearah Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on MFP since March of this year. I am 21 years old. I have never been over weight, but was looking to become more fit and leaner. Since then I lost 10 lbs, and became a weight that I hadn't been since 9th grade. Now I feel that I am floundering between the weight I was and the lost 10 lbs.

    Sometimes I find it hard to be 21 and to be fit. There's times I want to just enjoy myself and eat (I am a cook :( )what I want or have more than a drink, and when I don't have the calories to do all of that, I get really frustrated. Sometimes I just eat more because I get annoyed. Is this normal?? lol. Sometimes I think I'm just a pig and I should just give in. At times watching what I eat makes me upset about my body image.....

    Hope this makes sense. Any thoughts?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself!!! You are at a difficult age, believe me. I hope you don't get offended but you are just leaving childhood and you are starting the tough road of adulthood. It is not easy to be in that stage but it can also be a lot of fun...I really applaud youfor being part of this site and thinking about taking care of yourself, you only have one body and the earlier you start taking care of it the better it will be. A lot of young people such as yourself only think about partying, drinking and eating all they want just because they are young and that is what everyone else does...life is not over after 30 or after 40 or after any age...it is only over when you die. So don't rush it, enjoy life, live to the fullest, thank God for everyday that He gives you. There are a lot of young people in this community and I am sure a lot of them will have suggestions. I hope this helps you somehow. Keep up the good work!!!! God bless!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SarahBearah
    SarahBearah Posts: 5 Member
    I just feel torn between sticking to my calories, and enjoying life I guess. It makes it even harder when friends and family encourage you to eat bad because they think I'm thin and it doesn't matter much. I feel bad when I go over, but enjoy food so much....it doesn't help that I cook for a living. I have no self control!!:ohwell:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    I understand. I'm right where you are. It sucks because I've been working my *kitten* off here and trying to get fit and cleaned up my eating. Well, my friends do Margarita Mondays at the mexican restaurant and beer and crawfish on thursdays at the piano bar, and friday and saturday are party/drunk nights.
    I kind of feel like I've been missing out on college because I don't really enjoy going out unless I'm drinking as well (is that bad?) ... anyway, I'm kind of sad about that because I don't really get to hang out with my friends as much. They say I'm anti-social because Friday when they go out to eat, I go on a long night run....which I love, but its affecting me socially.

    Its hard to find a balance.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    Someone once told me this:"You can either be the life of the party or have a life". Meaning, although you are 21 and it seems like EVERYONE around you is drinking, it doesn't mean you have to. I drank so much in my twenties I'm surprised I'm not pickled. I think if you decide to make a lifestyle change instead of just dieting it will be easier for you to stick with it. I never thought 30 something would creep up on me so fast, god I sound old, you can enjoy yourself and still take care of yourself.:wink:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I just feel torn between sticking to my calories, and enjoying life I guess. It makes it even harder when friends and family encourage you to eat bad because they think I'm thin and it doesn't matter much. I feel bad when I go over, but enjoy food so much....it doesn't help that I cook for a living. I have no self control!!:ohwell:

    I totally understand, believe me, I go through the same thing all the time. Friends and family question me when they see me eating well. They say "why are you on a diet?, Are you trying to dissappear?" blah blah blah....do it for yourself...and like mkeithley said think of it as a healthy lifestyle....believe when I tell you it pays to start taking care of yourself early in life rather than regretting it later. You can have everything you want but in moderation. I go out to restaurants, to bars, get togethers, etc etc but I try to make healthy choices and the not so healthy I eat or drink in moderation. I am also consistent with my workouts. Exercise makes me feel so good anyways, that is no problem for me. Take care and stay here with us for support and motivation. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I have yet to introduce myself, but wanted to jump on this because I have been seeing a bariatric counselor (weight loss counselor) and i asked the exact same question! Kudos for you to be asking this while you are still fit and young, not waiting until there is a major problem.
    My counselor replied this - EVERYONE has to watch what they eat. EVERYONE. Some people have just been doing it so long, and some their whole entire lives, that they don't mention it or even think about it. Even naturally slender people do not really eat everything they want and drink whatever they want. Even without knowing it, they put stops on their behavior. If they indulge one night, they subconsciously eat less the next day to compensate. What really is the issue is that you just haven't gotten to the point where it is subconscious. You are just too conscious of it.
    Does that help to think of it that way?
    EVERYONE has to watch what they eat and eat healthy or they will balloon up. Some people just do it without thinking.
    Best wishes,
  • SarahBearah
    SarahBearah Posts: 5 Member
    you just haven't gotten to the point where it is subconscious. You are just too conscious of it.

    Thank you. I think that's it. I don't really want to quit the healthy eating, just at times it feels like a burden lol. Once I start to become the weight I want to be, I start to back track. But, then I realize if I were to be unhealthy, I'd regret it.

    Thanks for putting it into perspective. It's good to feel that I am not alone. :bigsmile:
  • I am glad that helps. It made me feel so much better, its almost like I would get petulant, "But I don't want to have to watch everything I eat!! Its so unfair!" but it is very fair. We all have to do it. Now I am working on how I watch what I eat. Am I letting it define me, or am I just acting like its no big deal?
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