Looking for some more friends to motivate

I HAD a bunch of friends on here but if your only logging your foods and exercise and not "liking" or commenting on my posts and such your not much of a motivator for me.. Or any of your other friends right??
So I cleaned out some of my friends list last night as I REALLY need to get in gear on my weight loss.

SO if you are the kind of person who is on here daily and also comments or LIKES your friends posts and cheers them on PLEASE feel to send me a Friend request because I need more friends like you.

FYI I have like 760 day streak and a 10 month old son So part of my streak I was pregnant but still loggin in and cheering on my friends even though I was obvisouly gaining weight.

Have an awesome weekend!!


  • FitFabDiva67
    FitFabDiva67 Posts: 9 Member
    I so concur!! It's nice to have support, it gets boring and monotonous after awhile! While I've not have to clear
    My friend list out on here as I'm still in the single digits *Lol* I know what you mean. Main reason
    I got rid if Facebook. Too many lurkers n not enough feedback????. Congrats by the way on the focus! Proof there are NO excuses, you either worked out or you didn't. Keep up the good work!!