A quick tip.

IM GONNA TRY THIS OUT..JUST READ IT IN YAHOO CHECK IT OUT GUYS..(A 2009 study by Dutch researchers found that chewing each bite for 3 extra seconds could help you consume fewer calories overall. The reason? The extra chewing helps your brain register the food, and thus, helps you feel full quicker.. )


  • girlygirl82
    girlygirl82 Posts: 66 Member
    Hmmm... something to think about as I know when I have little time, I tend to inhale my food. : (

    Thanks for the posting!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hence my Grandmother's advice to chew each bite 20 times before you swallow:laugh:
  • michelleducato
    I am so gonna try this....i eat so fast that it totally makes sense that my brain doesn't register that i am eating until I have already inhaled the plate of food!!! Thanks for this tip. I'm just getting started after baby #2 (who is 16 months!!) and need all the help i can get :)