Help - Everything crashes on the weekend!

RoRoNyC Posts: 8 Member
I do very well during the week managing my meals and exercise. On the weekend is another story! Please share your best practices and advice on how to keep me on track this weekend, expecially since it's Memorial Weekend!!!! (BBQ's and drinking)

Thanks and also Add me if you are looking for more firends :-) looking to increase my group!




  • Kakeslyn
    Kakeslyn Posts: 129 Member
    I used to have this problem when I went home to my parents' house on the weekends... too much junk food stocked up there! I found that pre-logging my meals for the day in the morning helped keep me on track.
  • yourpalsoap
    yourpalsoap Posts: 88
    Eating extra on the weekend is usually because of boredom, not hunger. Keep yourself busy and you probably won't over-eat.

    That being said, you could always create a bigger deficit throughout the week and let yourself go over on the weekend so that it averages out. e.g., knocking off 200 calories a day monday-friday gives you an extra 1000 for the weekend.
  • RoRoNyC
    RoRoNyC Posts: 8 Member
    I used to have this problem when I went home to my parents' house on the weekends... too much junk food stocked up there! I found that pre-logging my meals for the day in the morning helped keep me on track.

    Thanks! This makes perfect sense to me. I'll try this out this weekend and let you know how it goes!!!
  • RoRoNyC
    RoRoNyC Posts: 8 Member
    Eating extra on the weekend is usually because of boredom, not hunger. Keep yourself busy and you probably won't over-eat.

    That being said, you could always create a bigger deficit throughout the week and let yourself go over on the weekend so that it averages out. e.g., knocking off 200 calories a day monday-friday gives you an extra 1000 for the weekend.

    Thanks for the advise. I will see if I can try this next weekend. However, I am currently on a 1200 calorie diet which is very hard to maintain, if I take anymore calories away I may go into starvation mode and slow down my metabolism... Have a great weekend ! :-)
  • catestevam
    catestevam Posts: 27 Member
    Pick your splurges! If you really want to have those margaritas, maybe skip the chips and dip. Or, vice versa. Also, if you know you can't stick to your 12-1400 calorie limit, up it to maintanence to give yourself a little wiggle room without getting discouraged. At least at maintanence you know you won't gain due to a damaging weekend.

    If you think that's not going to work, you could always include more excercise on the weekend to make up for it.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Exercise a ton!
    After I work out, I eat super healthy for the next few hours because I don't want to "undo" the work I've just put in.

    Get up early and go for a walk/jog, in the afternoon do some yoga or weights.
    Slow walk after dinner.

    Stay active ^__^
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    The weekend is something that I have struggled with but I notice that the amount that I'm eating has lessened even on my "less mindfully eating days". Some things that have worked for me to keep me fuller so that I do not overeat on weekends.

    1. Create or maintain your water intake goal based on your weight. (My goal is 1/2 my weight in oz) I try to drink that amount of water everyday.
    2. Prelog and plan the things that you KNOW you are going to eat/drink
    3. At a BBQ I fill up my plate with mostly protein like a chicken breast and just a spoonful of the sides/desserts that I want to eat.
    4. Have fun and do not deprive yourself. If you eat a little over, make sure you dance it off :-)
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    I do very well during the week managing my meals and exercise. On the weekend is another story! Please share your best practices and advice on how to keep me on track this weekend, expecially since it's Memorial Weekend!!!! (BBQ's and drinking)

    Thanks and also Add me if you are looking for more firends :-) looking to increase my group!



    If it's just keeping "on track this weekend", then maybe just have fun and enjoy it :-)

    If it's most weekends then changing what you do can help. Keeping busy is important particularly if you are prone to boredom eating as I often am. Keeping less junky food around the home can help, snack on healthy stuff instead. I'll often challenge myself if i want something extra, like working out to burn the number of calories that that 'extra thing' is going to cost me, this also helps to see the real lack of value in some types of foods (an added benefit). Other than that is just keep thing in moderation, have what you like, just not in excess (i know, easier said than done).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I gave up fighting the weekends. I just eat less during the week just so I can splurge on the weekends. It's the only way I've been successful at controlling my weight.
  • RoRoNyC
    RoRoNyC Posts: 8 Member
    The weekend is something that I have struggled with but I notice that the amount that I'm eating has lessened even on my "less mindfully eating days". Some things that have worked for me to keep me fuller so that I do not overeat on weekends.

    1. Create or maintain your water intake goal based on your weight. (My goal is 1/2 my weight in oz) I try to drink that amount of water everyday.
    2. Prelog and plan the things that you KNOW you are going to eat/drink
    3. At a BBQ I fill up my plate with mostly protein like a chicken breast and just a spoonful of the sides/desserts that I want to eat.
    4. Have fun and do not deprive yourself. If you eat a little over, make sure you dance it off :-)

    Thanks! Very good advice!
  • RoRoNyC
    RoRoNyC Posts: 8 Member
    Very good good points Hiker_Rob! THanks!!!