How we see women today



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Basically, what's happening is what's always happened, right? Society says what's rare is beautiful and coveted. So when it was easy to be thin, you should want to be heavy, and when it's easy to be heavy, you should want to to be thin. about we all just decide for ourselves what we want our bodies to look like, and tell society to suck it?

    ^^^ exactly

    and it would also be nice if people were seen primarily for what they do and what they achieve, rather than what they look like. There's more to life than being sexually attractive.
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member
    We comprise society. When people stop buying cosmo or shape with fit people on the covers... that's "society's" (aka, our) way of saying that's what we prefer.

    ^^^ Well said!
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I think many people object to photoshopping not merely because it makes people look thinner. It makes people look NOT human. Making someone's arms longer or carving out their pubic area, for example, is not making them appear just thinner, but like something that is not even possible in nature.

    I have no problem with thin women or fat women. I have a problem with deception and creating a "standard" that is unattainable in reality.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I saw this on Facebook. Interesting stuff. Keep in mind that being a little " chunky" back then often meant that you were wealthy enough to afford to eat on a regular basis. So it makes sense that these were ideal body types.
  • _Lovely77_
    _Lovely77_ Posts: 993 Member
    The whole being chunky due to wealth, although true isn't necessarily correct either. Many were generally in the colonial days and before thick. This was because before refrigeration the foods that lasted the longest thus didn't spoil before it could reach its destination were mostly carbs and very little meat was consumed. So it's hard to say if the general consensus was that heavy equaled wealthy. But it was definitely a factor, then again if that were true, why were corsets so often worn to make the waist appear thin? Looks to me like not much has really changed. Corsets thinned the waist out, while making the hips and breasts appear large, then the petty coats were used to make the bottom look large. So, big butt, wide hips, large breasts and tiny waist. Sounds like Kim Kardashian haha