
Hi, im new looking to loose a stone how you getting on? any tips on getting around this it easy to loose the weight how do i start?


  • RodgerBuckley
    RodgerBuckley Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Amanda

    Like you I just joined the site a few minutes ago so I don't know my way around just yet. I've had a quick peek around the menu's at the top and it seems to be fairly easy to follow.

    I've been a member of a similar site before, and I did lose almost a stone in no time at all. The down side is that once I stopped tracking my progress, the weight slowly crept back on again :(

    But, that was then, and I'm ready to go for it and see if I can lose a stone before Christmas, then another stone after that.

    The main thing I noticed last time was that my shape changed even if my weight didn't. That's due to the extra muscle I built up during the exercise sessions. I seemed to lose more fat/weight when I was walking uphill on a nightly basis for about 30 minutes, and doing some fairly light dumbell weights at home for about 10 minutes a day. I was also drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, and that's quite important to the weight loss. For one thing, water fills you up so you don't want to eat between meals, but it also helps the food to digest and keeps skin and hair looking good too :D Even for us rough fellas!

    My advice - don't be frightened of the menu tabs and have a look around. Try putting a few test foods into your diary and some exercise, just to see how it all works - you'll soon get the hang of it I'm sure.

    Most importantly, when you do your measurements either on the scales or using the tape measure, don't cheat! You'll only be fooling yourself. Same applies to recording your food intake and exercise.

    Good look girl and I hope you get to where you want to be.

  • 2blueeyedbabies
    May I ask how much a stone is in pounds... :)
  • RodgerBuckley
    RodgerBuckley Posts: 48 Member
    14 lbs = 1 stone

    140 lbs = 10 stone

    174 lbs = me with far too much fat on my little bod :cry:
  • 2blueeyedbabies
    Thanks for explaining that...we were watching Top Gear the other night and Jeremy kept talking about stones. Now I can understand what he was saying, LOL!