No more lurking!

FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
Hello. I've been using this site (again) for the last 2 weeks, and thought it was time to stop lurking about the forums and introduce myself. I wanted to wait until I was sure I could stick with it this time.

I realized on Mother's day that if I was *ever* going to celebrate as a mom, I needed to get the weight off, and ASAP because I'm already 30. I have a LOT of work to do, with well over 100 pounds to lose and I know (from past experience) that having friends who are on the same journey, and those who have already done it and been successful to offer encouragement and advice is one of the best 'tools' to be successful myself.

I tend to "eat my emotions" and over the last few years there's been a LOT of stress in my life (finances, moving, medical issues, etc) and when some people would turn to a bottle of booze, I grabbed a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Needless to say, the 50+ lbs I lost back in 2011 have returned, and they brought friends.

With my husband graduating grad school and about to settle in to a long term job, all of the stresses of moving and finances and insurance will be much, much less, and I need to do this now.

Over the last two weeks I've familiarized myself with using a scale for my food, and am glad I made the investment. I've been logging everything (even when I had to guess at family-owned restaurant food), and soon I'm going to add regular exercise to my routine. I figured getting used to the food change first, then adding a workout would be best, instead of all at once. Also, I'm waiting for my heart rate monitor to be functional again... And kudos to Polar for sending me a battery cover for free, when my cat decided to run off with mine as I was changing the battery.

TL;DR version: I'm new, need to lose a lot of weight, and could use some friends along the way. :)


  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    NObody? Well, that's discouraging...
  • kcoston101
    kcoston101 Posts: 14
    YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!!!! Friend request to follow
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sort of like you. Lurked. Practiced eating right first. Just got my stationary bike - yea! And have the 50+ with its friends to lose as well. ;) But I also have learned that I have to do this no matter what stress is going on because if you can count on one thing in's that you can't count on anything. :grumble: For instance, got our first tax return instead of paying in 5 years and what happens? Washing machine croaks. Bye-bye, tax return. So even if things are calm at the moment, I have to be determined to crank through any high-stress times that are sure to come.

    I don't know how to do a 'friend' thing on here. Help?
  • eastercat
    eastercat Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I've been lurking to :)
  • joseccastaneda
    joseccastaneda Posts: 267 Member
    I think we all lurk. For the most part, there are plenty of people here who are willing to lend a hand and give as much support as you need. There is the occasional yahoo that has to ruin it for everyone, but you are not hear to please anyone. Your here to change your life for the positive and that should be your main focus. I'm completely done with what others think and have focused on fixing the issues i have caused to myself by years of not caring.

    Awsome start in your new journey.
  • Hi there, i totally get where you are coming from, sometimes
    life throws so much at you that something like your waist size seems
    the least of your worries. Been there done that.
    But like you i also feel like i have turned a corner and
    am ready to make my health a prority, best of luck!
  • Magisoft
    Magisoft Posts: 113
    Hi there, happy to support you, add me if you like, best of luck!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Thanks y'all. :) I haven't really had much time to check back because I had a bunch of family in town for graduation festivities (my hubby got his master's degree). Nice to know I'm not the only one that lurks a bit. :P
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    I've recently started posting, too. I lurked for a little while as I've just recently started developing a diet and exercise habit. One reason was high cholesterol and having my doctor put me on Atorvastatin to help lower my cholesterol. Another reason was as part of an effort to manage depression and anxiety. I take anti-depressants and vitamin supplements recommended by my doctor to help regulate it, but that only helps so far in managing. Diet, exercise, and sleep management are other tools in my arsenal. I'm going through a whole life inventory and outlook change, so it's a process. I've been fighting it for several years now. I can function normally most days, but there are those days I just have to weather the storm until it passes. Not everyone understands that you can't make it go away by just snapping out of it. Most people who suffer depression and anxiety know that you don't just snap out of it. It takes work to manage it, and there are just those days that it fights back even harder. You just have to be too stubborn and determined to not quit. You just have to find your foothold and work through it so you don't loose your ground. Anyway, that's me and my reasons for being here.

    Feel free to friend me if you like. I'm quiet a good part of the time, but I do speak up when I feel prompted to say something. I always try to be a good listener because everyone needs a sympathetic ear at some time.