People want us to fail?

breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
Has anyone else noticed this? It seems like a majority of people want me to fail at weight loss!

For example:
•If someone sees me eating unhealthy, the seem to get more jovial towards me. Like, I'll be having a cheat meal and my friends will say "Finally! Having fun again!" Then they offer me more food! Like, geez. I know I'm overweight, but that doesn't mean I want you shoveling food down my throat!
•They'll use negativity to put me down. "You'll gain it right back." Then there's 'positivity.' "You already lost enough weight, you don't want to be skin and bones." Ummmmm, excuse me! Who are you to tell me I'm going to gain it back? Also, I know for a literal fact that I'm still overweight by a lot, so telling me I'm going to be too skinny is extremely annoying and erroneous!
•All of a sudden people want to be exceedingly giving with their food, or they might offer to take me out to eat. Now that I'm choosing to be healthy, you decide to relinquish your food to me? Convenient.

Anyhow, do you feel like this has ever happened to you? It's exasperating!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,680 Member
    Instinctively if there's no benefit to them, yes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    My best friend is snarky in that regard; kind of the proverbial ''rooting for your failure'' friend. If we go out to eat and I order a salad, or something healthy, (which is about 95% of the time) she gives me heat for it. On nights we have girls night out, and let loose, she is much more chummy towards me. Just remember ''Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey...they don't have to, it's not for them.'' Words of wisdom right there for those of us trying to stay on the straight and narrow regarding fitness and diet.
  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    Misery loves company.

    They may not consciously be thinking it, but I'd bet they fear hanging out with someone who will make them look fat by comparison. They don't want to be the 'fat' friend to your 'skinny' friend.