damsel in distress (uk)

Hi community, aparently i am officially obese.
I dont believe it for a second but thats what these new fangled
Bmi chart thingies are telling me.
How could this be?
Granted i have always been on the chunkier side and fallen off my
fair share of weight-loss wagons but this, this looks serious.

Thats where you all come in, i hope i can find a few buddies
who are maybe just starting out, got several stone to shift, so together we can dodge the
challenges of family life, wrangle the emotional rollercoaster us women go through,
and pound those pounds until the clingy little buggers
whimper "we yield, we yield".

I believe in entering any relationship with the intention of
giving more than i expect so if you think im.the kind of
cheerleader that could support you in getting to your goal then let's
make it official.