Help me get rid of my belly plzzzz

charmed2570 Posts: 48
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, My stomach is horrible , when i started on Sept.09,2010 was 43.25", and my belly has only went dwn half an inch. I do cardio, but still I can't seem to lose the inches off my belly, I wonder if I am doing the right wrkouts or what, or maybe eating the right foods? I am doing 30 day shred, 5 days a week, and I do the 5 mile walk with Leslie everyday, sometimes twice a day, and then my elliptical trainer for 30 min. every other day. I have bad knees so I have to be careful on jogging, but I am just wandering if I could bump it up a bit to lose a little more, at least so I can see a 1/2 " loss per month more would be great. Thanks


  • bonitatica
    bonitatica Posts: 34 Member
    it may be more about what (and how much) you're eating than how much you're working out. it sounds like you're working out more than enough to be losing.
    losing weight and inches takes time. it took time to put it on and it will take time to get it off.
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    If you are concerned about your belly and not so focused on weight (although it will come off) I would recommend a very old exercise video. I was able to lose weight years ago but my belly stayed flabby. A friend sent me this video: and it really worked ....
    I did the 10 years one. Anyway, it is easy on the knees and it works your core and really tones the body. I just found the link a few days ago (my video is the VHS one...LOL) so I am going to order it and start up again. I have 30 pounds to lose and remember that this made a big difference last time I did it. Anyway, take a look. Other than that..focus on exercises that address the core. The cardio will help with weight lose and you will lose inches but core workouts will really get the tummy area.... :) Best of luck!!!
  • If you're eating right and doing stomach-target exerecises, the inches will start to fall off. It's not an instant process, but it WILL happen. When I lost weight the first go around, I started dropping a little bit of the stomach here and there and then it started to kick up as whole around my fifth month. Don't give up. :] It will surely happen. Personally, I am working on my lower back and stomach area [two HORRIBLE places] and am doing exercises that are made to work on that area [crunches, leg raises, walking, etc]. Try focusing on the places where you are losing the inches and realize that it will all catch up. Some people lose the weight first and others lose the inches.

    Oh, and don't forget the toning. When the weight is starting to drop, the stomach may become flabby, so don't leave that part out.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I looked at your diary and today you didnt' have breakfast and you eat less than 900 calories during the day, and yesterday you didn 't have any dinner and you didn't reach the 1000 calories mark either.

    Your body does not want to get rid of your belly because it needs it to feed itself. You are putting your body in estarvation mode, and setting youself for failure. I don't know if you are forgetting to log your food or if you are really eating this way, but is not good.

    I hope that this observation gives you the answer to your "belly questions." If other members review your diary they will probably give you the same answerr.

    You need to eat your allocated calories AT THE LEAST, and even half of your exercise calories.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Fat loss is more about diet than exercise. It's a cruel joke on us, that the places we want to lose fat the most is going to be the last place the fat leaves.
  • You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. There.

    "Stomach Targeting Exercises," there is so much misinformation spread on this board it's hilarious. You can't target fat unless you get liposuction, no exercise will "target your stomach" in the way you want it to. In fact, doing abdominal exercises will make your belly larger, because as the muscles get larger they will push the fat in front of them out further.

    Losing weight starts with your nutrition, eating right guys. Not eating 900 calories, that's a sure fire way to destroy any hopes you had in losing weight, as your metabolism will come to a complete halt. You have to eat enough food to supply your body with energy, but less food than is required to maintain bodyweight. So that means cutting a small portion of calories, maybe 10-20% of your daily recommended.

    When you lock down your nutrition, then you will see quality weight start to drop, at a slow and controlled pace. Your body will decide where the fat comes off, and more than likely it's going to choose everywhere but your belly, since that is usually the last to go. Be patient, persistent, and just enjoy the ride to better health.
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    I was pregnant back to back, and my stomach was stretched out! Also I had a c-section, so it's been a bit of a challenge to lose the belly fat, anyway this is what has worked for me. In order to lose weight you need to boost your metabolism.

    1. Eat your calories. Whether you are on a 1300 or a 1500 cal diet, be sure to eat your calories and don't go under. Eat 3 meals a day, and 3 snacks a day. I myself am on a 1300 cal diet, I try to eat 300 cal meals, and 100-150 cal snack in between meals. If you don't eat your recommeded calories, your body can go into "starvation mode" and will absorb the food you do eat which will then turn into fat.

    2. Daily Cardio, for me, I try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day.

    3. Strength training 3-4 days a day. I tend to focus on abs every day though, since that is where I am trying to lose the most weight

    4. Try to not eat 2 hours before bedtime

    Honestly, what worked for me was sticking to my calories and doing cardio and circuit training. You will find the best results in total body circuit training. do a little extra ab execise if you want to see more results in your abs, but you can't spot reduce.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. There.

    "Stomach Targeting Exercises," there is so much misinformation spread on this board it's hilarious. You can't target fat unless you get liposuction, no exercise will "target your stomach" in the way you want it to. In fact, doing abdominal exercises will make your belly larger, because as the muscles get larger they will push the fat in front of them out further.

    Losing weight starts with your nutrition, eating right guys. Not eating 900 calories, that's a sure fire way to destroy any hopes you had in losing weight, as your metabolism will come to a complete halt. You have to eat enough food to supply your body with energy, but less food than is required to maintain bodyweight. So that means cutting a small portion of calories, maybe 10-20% of your daily recommended.

    When you lock down your nutrition, then you will see quality weight start to drop, at a slow and controlled pace. Your body will decide where the fat comes off, and more than likely it's going to choose everywhere but your belly, since that is usually the last to go. Be patient, persistent, and just enjoy the ride to better health.

    This is one of the best responses I've seen on these boards. There are so many posts in which this advice would apply.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. There.

    "Stomach Targeting Exercises," there is so much misinformation spread on this board it's hilarious. You can't target fat unless you get liposuction, no exercise will "target your stomach" in the way you want it to. In fact, doing abdominal exercises will make your belly larger, because as the muscles get larger they will push the fat in front of them out further.

    Losing weight starts with your nutrition, eating right guys. Not eating 900 calories, that's a sure fire way to destroy any hopes you had in losing weight, as your metabolism will come to a complete halt. You have to eat enough food to supply your body with energy, but less food than is required to maintain bodyweight. So that means cutting a small portion of calories, maybe 10-20% of your daily recommended.

    When you lock down your nutrition, then you will see quality weight start to drop, at a slow and controlled pace. Your body will decide where the fat comes off, and more than likely it's going to choose everywhere but your belly, since that is usually the last to go. Be patient, persistent, and just enjoy the ride to better health.

    Very straight-forward, almost harsh, but totally true... Just stick with it. Your body burns fat from your whole body. Most of us carry most of our fat around our midsection, so its harder to see it go away because there is more there than anywhere else. Just be patient and like a bunch of people said, you may want to eat a little more. Hope you reach your goal and have great success on your journey!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Sallyismyname
    Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
  • peck113
    peck113 Posts: 19
    Wow, I agree with myprogress2010 completely. I looked over your food diary and you really need to eat more calories. Your body will never let go of the fat if you don't increase your fuel. How is your energy levels? I don't see how you have any energy left with you exercising as much as you do and not taking in any more food than you do. The "Master Your Metabolism" book and cookbook would be a wonderful tool for you.
  • You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. There.

    "Stomach Targeting Exercises," there is so much misinformation spread on this board it's hilarious. You can't target fat unless you get liposuction, no exercise will "target your stomach" in the way you want it to. In fact, doing abdominal exercises will make your belly larger, because as the muscles get larger they will push the fat in front of them out further.

    Losing weight starts with your nutrition, eating right guys. Not eating 900 calories, that's a sure fire way to destroy any hopes you had in losing weight, as your metabolism will come to a complete halt. You have to eat enough food to supply your body with energy, but less food than is required to maintain bodyweight. So that means cutting a small portion of calories, maybe 10-20% of your daily recommended.

    When you lock down your nutrition, then you will see quality weight start to drop, at a slow and controlled pace. Your body will decide where the fat comes off, and more than likely it's going to choose everywhere but your belly, since that is usually the last to go. Be patient, persistent, and just enjoy the ride to better health.

    It looks like I've been misinformed. Going to the gym, the trainer had given me the advice, so I fgured it would be accurate.
  • Thanks for the advice I will take it all in and process it. I am really trying to eat my calories, I ate chciken for dinner last night I thought it was logged, hmmmm. Anyway, I will continue to work on my food.
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    I am sure if you stick to it then you will start to see a difference -just keep it up :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. You can't spot remove fat. There.

    "Stomach Targeting Exercises," there is so much misinformation spread on this board it's hilarious. You can't target fat unless you get liposuction, no exercise will "target your stomach" in the way you want it to. In fact, doing abdominal exercises will make your belly larger, because as the muscles get larger they will push the fat in front of them out further.

    Losing weight starts with your nutrition, eating right guys. Not eating 900 calories, that's a sure fire way to destroy any hopes you had in losing weight, as your metabolism will come to a complete halt. You have to eat enough food to supply your body with energy, but less food than is required to maintain bodyweight. So that means cutting a small portion of calories, maybe 10-20% of your daily recommended.

    When you lock down your nutrition, then you will see quality weight start to drop, at a slow and controlled pace. Your body will decide where the fat comes off, and more than likely it's going to choose everywhere but your belly, since that is usually the last to go. Be patient, persistent, and just enjoy the ride to better health.
    Many of those studies were done years ago. A recent study from the Univ of Denmark shows that exercising muscles generates heat and releases chemicals that increase blood flow in surrounding fat tissue. During intense exercise, the body releases stress hormones, such as GH, epinephrine & norepinephrine that promote fat oxidation. These hormones circulate into the fat stores and speed fat breakdown in those tissues. Exercises that increase muscle and adipose tissue temperature, promote fat blood flow and boost stress hormone levels will help you lose fat in specific areas.
    research found that fat breakdown was higher in adipose tissue near exercises then in adipose tissue in adjacent to resting muscles. Ten young men did one-leg knee extensions at 25% of maximal capacity for 30 minutes followed by exercise at 55% of maximum effort for 120 minutes with the other leg, and then exercised at 85% of maximum for 30 minutes with the 1st leg. Subjects rested 30 minutes between exercise periods. Blood flow and fat breakdown was higher in the fat next to the exercising muscles than the fat adjacent to resting muscles. This study used radioactive tracers to precisely measure fat metabolism rather than indirect measures used by other studies.

    One caveat in the article says it is not easy. You must do high-volume abdominal exercises to mobilize the fat lying over the muscles, prolonged aerobics to burn calories, increase local muscle and fat cell temp, & mobilize stress hormone through high-intensity exercise and weight training.

    Take that for what you will...forgive typos.
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