17 Days in to MFP-feedback? Friends?

Hey out there in MFP land! I just started my food diary 17 days ago and I would love some feedback on my choices. (Last M-T was a road trip visiting in-laws). And some friends for support.



  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    It's hard to do with a spouse but one of the things that definitely helps me is knowing EXACTLY when I am going to be eating my next meal and knowing that said meal is going to be healthy, nutritious and filling. From your diary, you look like a bit of a grazer, and that normally just happens because we don't know when our next meal is coming and so our brain gives us permission to go ahead and eat a little until then.

    As much as you can, you should try to get ahead of what goes inside your mouth. Plan out a big breakfast, or at least a protein rich one AND a decent lunch to follow it up and see if that helps quell the afternoon munchies. If you really need a late night snack (that was my personal nemesis, I hated going to bed without sweets) try and work those calories in so you don't feel guilty about them and they are just part of your plan, that you are in control of.

    Last thing that helps me with the grazing stuff is to give in when I need to, but to do so with real food. I feel far less guilty eating a quick turkey wrap than I do a box of Little Debbies and by the time I am done eating real food the desire to snack is normally gone.

    Anyway, good luck! Just keeping track of the food will probably be all you need but otherwise hopefully some good tips will come up to help you.