Bring it on!

I’m new here but certainly not new to the concept of ‘dieting’. And I don’t want to do that in the modern, corrupted sense of the word. I want to create a lifestyle that includes watching my diet in the truest sense of the word – the food I put in my mouth. I have been as low as 115 pounds when I got married and as high as 257, thanks to illness (ugh!), only last year – unhealthy in either direction for me. (Either of those weights are hard for me to wrap my head around even now.) I started this weight loss journey last year. I got my weight down slowly through food choices but I did not add in exercise. Then I stalled out for no good reason over the winter. Just discouragement, I suppose. But some of the habits that I had started to make last year stuck with me and I didn’t gain all the weight back. I figured if I could make a few more positive changes like adding exercise and cutting out sugar, I could get back on track. I started looking into videos and Instagram accounts on the internet and found this site. Yes!

I now have a place I can go to track my food which keeps me accountable in 2 respects. The first is that I can log something in advance of preparation and see what the caloric total will be, then tweak my choices until it will allow me to stay within my allotted calories – like figuring out a budget. Very handy. The second is more important. I have restricted terribly in the past. One reason it has been difficult for me to lose weight is that I was afraid to start and go overboard again. This site helps by showing me daily what I should be eating, telling me if I haven’t had enough and making me feel accountable to a community to be accurate and faithful. And reading how others have been successful through eating less (not NOTHING) and moving more keeps me focused and passionate about doing this the right way.

A couple of things I am looking forward to most are making it back into my favorite jeans and offering those items of my closet that grow too big for me to charity! Maybe they will help the next person during their own quest. And then I’m going hiking, my friends. This girl loves to hike! Bring it on!