New to the forums!

I've had MFP on and off for awhile but didn't even know there were forums until recently!
A little background about me:
My highest weight was 151, being overweight was kind of genetic so it was tough for me to get rid of the weight.
I had MFP for a little in the begging but when I started going to the gym I never counted calories. It took about a year to lose 30 lbs because I was never extremely overweight for my average 5'5" height.
My lowest weight was 114 when I was sent to the hospital for an eating disorder.
I've been out of the hospital for 2 months now but because I lost muscle and gained fat I look a lot worse at my weight than I'd like too. I'd like to lose a little bit of weight the HEALTHY way and I need support and motivation.
I'd love for people to add me as a friend so I can see your food diaries because I would really like to see what true "healthy eating" looks like.
Add me! :)


  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    Hi, and welcome back! I am also 5'5" and I think I look my best when I weigh about 125 lbs. I can be at 130 and still look great. Now, I'm not an expert, but reading everything I've read on these forums, I do know that I can weigh 140 and still looking AMAZING - if I lift weights and put in some hard work. I'm guessing you are about 120lbs now. I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't lose anymore weight or that it's not healthy if you do. What I WILL tell you is that if you start eating more and gaining more strength (muscles!), you will love the way you look - even if you do gain some more pounds.

    You can add me as a friend, but you need to know that if your diary is open, I will comment on what I see you eating or not eating. I don't care if you eat Twinkies or other food that isn't considered "clean." I just like to see that my friends are eating enough calories to maintain their daily activity while still having a decent deficit to lose - or gain - what they need.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck and the very best of health!
  • Thank you for the great info CaddieMay. I'll add you, and the comments would actually be really great and useful to me. I am about 120 lbs right now and I'm trying to tone up, sometimes it's just hard to see my weight go up even if my appearance is changing for the better.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I used the site for six months before I discovered the forums...

    ...and oh what I wouldn't give to be able to go back to that fateful day and choose the blue instead of the red pill.


    But anyhow, welcome to the forums.
