New and have a quesiton

Hello everyone,
I am a little over 100 pounds overweight right now and I have been trying to work hard to lose the weight. I am really not getting the results that I want and so I found a personal trainer. I have never had one yet and don't really know what to expect or what I should be looking for in one. The personal trainer I met seems really supportive and like they really care. The trainer knows that I really don't have a lot of money to spend and says they will work with me. So my question is we did not sign any contracts and the personal trainer has agreed to see me once a week and come out personally to my house to train me for 1 hour once a week. I have agreed to pay them $50 a week so basically $50 an hour for that one session but on top of that they said that they will keep in touch through texting and calling to give me all of the work outs and diet that I need to know. They also said that they would make sure that I knew exactly what the exercises were and would show me how to do them so there was not confusion and they weren't just "throwing me out there" to figure it all out by myself. They say that the only difference is that I won't see them as much but I will have their whole diet and exercise plan. Any thoughts on this? So far the PT seems all about helping me and making sure that I meet my goals. Just thought I would ask for anyone's insight who has had a PT before.


  • sarahsue001
    sarahsue001 Posts: 14 Member
    I would make sure that they have certifications and they know what they are talking about. If you are unsure what a personal trainer would need to be legit in your area (I know that I have no idea), call a local gym. They should know and would be more than happy to share this information with you (in hopes of getting you to go there but talk is free!). Other than that this trainer sounds good. I have trained before and really enjoyed one trainer and really liked the other though I felt like she pushed things to the limit. I want to be fit and healthy, not compete in cross fit or become a body builder.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    After you'd made sure this person has the proper credentials, then go for it. I think prices vary widely depending on where you live, for example I'm at the Jersey shore. So things here typically cost more then other places. I have a friend here who pays almost 72$ per session, but have another friend in Alabama who only pays 27$ . So it varies. You could always shop around and compare prices, but definitely go with the person who you feel most comfortable
    You probably won't need the trainer very long, you could read up on things on here, and also log your food. So after you get everything figured out, you'll probably be fine without a trainer.
    But for now, I say go for it. Give it a try, and see how it goes. There's a lot of really awful t trainers out there, so if you've found someone who you think is good, then go for it!
    .good luck on your journey! Post anytime you have a question and people here will help you along.